Chapter 32: Dates, Truths, and Wind

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Jane showered and came out to a hot cup of coffee. She didn't bother changing out of her robe and into regular clothes. She knew she wouldn't be bothered, her big mean turian bodyguard would see to that. She also knew that she was facing a huge amount of messages on her private terminal. She sat down with her coffee, took a deep breath, and began clicking through everything. She had a system going at this point. Read and delete all the news first, then start on correspondence from Hackett. Those two steps would weed out half the messages.

It took her about an hour to get that far and finally get to the personal messages. One from her mother appeared. It was very typical Hannah Shepard. To the point, professional, and asking what she thought she should be asking as a mother. Jane responded in kind. It was there way. Nothing too terribly personal or emotional. Simple answers for simple questions.

The next message was from Adrian. It was simple, just asking if they would be taking any time on the Citadel, when, and if she and Garrus would like some downtime. He had relocated there since they pulled back from Palaven and began moving towards Earth. She responded and told him when they should be arriving and they would love to have some downtime with someone who "understood."

She had messages from various crew members needing some of her time. Liara wanted to meet up for lunch. Tali did as well. She was supposed to go see Grunt. The list went on and on. She had already had a chess game with Samantha, met with James about the N7 program, and talked to Cortez about going to the remembrance wall.

The next message she received was from Kaidan. He wanted to meet for lunch as well. She had already responded to everyone and decided to tell Kaidan they could meet one of the days they were on the Citadel. She left him a choice of several days and times. A few weeks ago she would have avoided this like the plague. The truth was, she had seen him around Tali so much lately, and he had virtually left her alone, so she thought it would be fine. He had moved on, she hoped.

The final message was from Garrus. She looked puzzled as she opened it. He didn't usually send correspondence through her terminal. Usually he just told her what he had to say. The message was brief. He wanted to meet up on the Citadel for some downtime. He made it a point to write a second message that said to dress casual. She didn't respond. She decided to respond by showing up instead.

After updating her omnitool with all the appointments she had, lunch dates, and everything else in between she contacted Joker.

"Jeff? When are we set to arrive at the Citadel?"

There was a pause and she heard him come across the coms. "ETA one hour. We should be arriving early afternoon cycle, Commander. You meeting up with Garrus? Hotel room maybe? Chicka Chicka bow wowwww."

He was halfway through the second chica when Jane started shaking her head side to side, eyes closed, letting out an audible sigh.

"We are meeting up yes. Could you let Liara and Tali know that I responded to them? Also, when we dock, could you get me a taxi to..."

She was cut off by Jeff. "A taxi to luxury hotel accomodations fit for a spectre? Sure. Do you and Garrus want.."

"Stop it. Stop it now." She was trying not to laugh.

"California King. Got. Garrus is a big guy. You want room to move. See ya Commander." He didn't wait for a response.

Jane shook her head and got dressed. She wasn't sure what Garrus had planned but he was the first on her list to meet up. She wanted to make sure she had plenty of time with him. Everyone else got what was left. When they docked with the Citadel, Jeff came over her personal com.

"Commander, I'm patched into Citadel traffic control. Do you want that taxi? Garrus already took a shuttle and is waiting for you at the docking bay."

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