Chapter 39: Nights in Purple Silk

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Garrus and Shepard left Adrian's apartment shortly after midnight. Jane was enjoying walking arm in arm with Garrus. Just being a couple. For a few minutes she wasn't Commander Shepard. She was just Jane. Garrus wasn't Officer Vakarian or Sir. He was just Garrus. The night sky was clear, the fountains were making a soft waterfall like sound. It was nearly perfect. She was so much in her own thoughts, she jumped slightly when she heard the sky car dispatch.

"Destination Advisor Vakarian?"

Garrus moved his arm from Jane's and put it around her waist, pulling her closer. He cleared his throat and smiled. "Presidium commons. Apartment ward."

Jane blinked and tugged on his waist. "Garrus? The Normandy...."

He tugged her closer and whispered in her ear. "Will be there tomorrow. For the next 12 hours you are mine."

Jane smiled at him and looked around as she felt his talons moving lightly against her lower back.

"Garrus, what are you up to?"

She knew him all to well. If he had the apartment rented for the night, then he had done a lot of planning. Garrus was not the impromptu type. Hell, it took several talks about blowing off steam before he finally committed to a night.

He kissed her forehead and rubbed her back instead of answering. She was just about to ask again when the skycar pulled up to pick them up. He opened the door for her and held her hand as she stepped in. She took her seat in the back, with Garrus taking the seat next to her. The doors closed and gave the signal for the driver to go ahead.

Garrus leaned back and snuggled into Jane's neck. He gently nipped at her neck and her ear as his hand traveled over her thigh to her flat stomach. He was greeted with a moan and the deep intake of breath she always took just before she bit her lip. He felt her hand run along his side, to his hip.

"Garrus, the driver." His heart pounded and his pride soared when he got a giggle out of the great Commander Shepard.

He leaned back from her and reached a talon to her hair, moving a strand behind her ear as he looked at her. "We have at least ten minutes until we get to the apartment. Besides, that driver has seen worse. Trust me. I used to work here, remember?"

Jane looked around at the driver and back at Garrus. He looked at her eyes and was puzzled. She had a look he had never really seen before.

"Why are you staring?" She laughed a little and started smoothing her clothes, her hair, worried about what he was seeing.

"You're beautiful. I don't know how or why I've been gifted with you. I take every chance I can to enjoy it. To take you in, file you away in my memory, and keep you there. Now, what's bothering you? Have I misjudged?"

He ran his hand down her arm to take her hand. The same way he had done before they went through the Omega 4 Relay so long ago.

She took his hand and smiled softly as she looked down. "You aren't ashamed to be with me. You also aren't showing me off. I'm not a trophy to be shown. I'm not something to hide. WIth you, it's like I'm cherished. Like you're proud of me. Garrus, I'm not used to that. I'm used to something so different. To either being paraded around and untouched behind closed doors or only being behind closed doors. I'm not used to this." She waved her hand around the back of the sky car.

She felt raw, vulnerable, and slightly uncomfortable. Garrus was the only one she had ever been with who made her feel so good and so vulnerable. It made her want to run sometimes, but she knew that he would just chase her. Funny, that the thought of that made her never want to run in the first place.

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