Chapter 13: Saviors, Rifles, and Wings

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Jack jumped down from the second story and began a steady walk to Shepard. She stopped just short of her and tossed out a right hook. Garrus snarled and made one step forward, but stopped himself. They were here to save the kids and that's what he intended to do. As Shepard and Jack spoke in hushed voices, Garrus glanced up at the kids. He turned his back on them and stepped over to James. They were quickly becoming friends and Garrus was feeling more and more comfortable talking to him.

James nodded at him and glanced at the kids. "They wanna use these kids in this war? I mean, impressive sure, but..."

Garrus nodded. "I'm feeling the same way about it. Hopefully Shepard can convince someone to keep these kids out of the line of fire. I don't care how good they are. I don't like this. Not at all."

Vega nodded. "Sounds like you have experience in dealing with kids in trouble."

Garrus looked down at the ground and back at Vega. "Too much experience. C-sec allows you to help, but you also see the worst in people too. Omega was no different. The only difference was the ability to do more through underground connections. This. I don't know how to deal with this. I just want to get them out of here and get us out of here in one piece."

Shepard brushed past the two of them letting her hand graze Garrus. "How is a camera supposed to help us?"

Garrus barely heard the rest of the conversation. A few minutes later they were ready to go through the doors and make their way to the shuttles. He and James helped gather the kids and kept them covered as they made it past and through cerberus guards and scouts. The fighting, including Shepard getting in a mech, seemed to last hours. In reality, it lasted less than one hour. They almost lost one of the students, but managed to get her out of trouble and on the shuttle at the last minute.

The shuttle docked in the bay on the Normandy and the last of the kids filed off. Kahlee grabbed onto Jack and was talking to her about their next step. Shepard sat down with her back against the wall, gun next to her, and began to unfasten her boots. James inclined his head over and Garrus nodded.

"Already on it."

As everyone went their separate ways, Garrus walked over and sat down across from Shepard. He extended a leg, keeping one knee bent, and began to take out his gun cleaning kit. She looked up for a moment and let a soft smile across her face. Standing up, she removed her field jacket, grabbed a cleaning rag, and sat back down.

They worked in silence for about ten minutes. Garrus looked up and glanced at her. Initially just to watch her and take in the moment. That's when he saw it. The chain glinting. Jane leaned forward and the broken wing slid out of her top. Garrus smiled softly. He went back to buffing out an area on his rifle. A few minutes later he spoke.

"I didn't think you'd still have it."

She knew immediately what he was talking about. Her hand absently went up to play with the wing.

"I had it on in the main battery before the mission. I've never taken it off." Her voice was equally as soft spoken.

"It looks good on you."

"Most humans have to die to get their wings."

Garrus let a small smile creep across his face. "You did."

They finished cleaning their rifles and guns, put them up, and headed out to the lift. They didn't notice the smiles and glances they were getting from Vega and Cortez.

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