Chapter 28: Red Tape and Mag Boots

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Garrus, Shepard, and Tali stood in the airlock waiting to board the dreadnaught. Jane didn't like this at all. To be honest none of the three of them looked all that comfortable with it. The Normandy was stealthed while geth and quarians battled it out. Joker let them know there was no way they were getting in that way. Shepard didn't think about it before she announced that she would go secure the airlock.

Garrus just stared at her and when Joker cut off coms he spoke. Tali began talking to Raan and figuring out what area would be the best to have Shepard approach. As she did, Garrus pulled Shepard to him.

"Let me do it. I've done the mag boot thing before. I can handle it."

Jane shook her head. "I've got this. Really, I do. I need to face it sooner or later right?"

Garrus shook his head. "No. When people talk about facing fears we mean the fear of swimming because we are going to a lake house for the summer. The fear of being rejected. The fear of public speaking. There is nothing that says you have to face your fear or zero gravity outside of a secure ship with only mag boots keeping you from death while you relive your death. Yeah, no."

Shepard smiled a bit. It was that smile that she got when she was about to do what she had planned on doing anyway. And yep, there she went to get her mag boots on.

Even Tali had to laugh a bit when she saw Garrus fully roll his eyes. He threw his hands up and turned to Tali. "She never listens. Talk to her, Tali."

Tali shook her head. "Why? So we can both agree that she ignores us?"

Shepard got the boots on and stood by the airlock door. "How about this big guy. I stay connected to you through a private com link. I feed music in to keep me calm. I connect to Tali and the Normandy on another com link. That way if I do panic you are there to talk me through. I have my music..."

Tali interrupted for a moment. "Wait?!? You BOTH listen to music during firefights and fighting?"

They both turned and in one movement nodded. Tali shook her head and muttered something that sounded like "creepy."

Garrus shook his head and started pressing buttons on the side of his visor. "Channel 9, link it up."

His voice was total military at that point. She was going to do it anyway, he might as well handle it so she was comfortable even though this was ripping him up inside making him want to shake her.

She nodded and went into the same mode. A few beeps later she nodded. "Linked."

She held onto the door jam as they got into place and lined up the airlock. She heard Garrus in her ear. "Which playlist? Mine or yours?"

Jane smirked. "They are pretty much the same. Just no battle hymn of the turian nation okay?"

He chuckled. "How's this?"

The music started to play through. It was from her old Earth music playlist. Agent Provocateur. Red Tape. She nodded. "Nice choice Vakarian. Drowns out my screams."

He stood straight up and moved to her as she started laughing. "It was a joke. Just a joke. Sorry." She put her hands up defensively as Tali laughed.

Garrus shook his head. "Not funny Shepard."

"Commander, we're ready." Joker's voice came over as Jane got into place. She noticed that Joker sounded like Garrus looked. Tense, eager to get this over, worried. She figured it had to be worse on Joker. He was the one that was reliving it with her.

It took Jane a few seconds to get orientated before she could start walking. A steps into it she caught sight of the dreadnaught.

"That thing is enormous." It really was too. She stared at it for a moment before she kept moving. She reached a specific part and a piece broke off. She almost lost her balance.

Garrus was leaning in watching her through a port window. He had tapped Joker into the private line just in case. He heard the pilot breath in. They both were staring at Jane. Waiting. The only thing Garrus could think was to get her talking.

"Pumpkin ale." It was such an odd statement it made Jane breath again and Joker raise an eyebrow.

Jane responded. "What?"

Garrus leaned in, even though Joker could hear him and Tali could as well, he acted as if he was whispering in Jane's ear.

"Pumpkin ale. They are supposed to be making a dextro option. Figured we could pick some up at Purgatory next time we are there." Joker had to hand it to the big guy, he knew how to say everything in something totally unrelated.

A few seconds later Shepard responded. "Are you turning basic bitch on me big guy?" Garrus could hear her mag boots clicking. She was moving again.

"Maybe, but if I start carrying around a dog in a bag and wearing capris you'll need to stop me."

Everyone laughed a bit and Garrus heard Jane sigh, letting out that tension she was holding.

Joker's voice cut in. "So you don't want to solo the dreadnaught then?"

"Not if I can help it." There was a relaxation in her voice that put all of them at ease.

They agreed to find another way in. As they waited Tali moved over to Garrus and touched his arm. "You okay?"

He nodded at her and touched his hand to hers patting it. "I'm fine. But, Tali. If my girl died because of your people's stupidity I'll never forgive them."

Tali nodded. "Agreed."

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