Chapter 30: Words not Required

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The doors opened to Jane's quarters and she caught eye of Garrus. Poor guy. He was laid out on the sofa, a bottle of turian beer opened next to him with maybe a sip missing. He was in a pair of what Jane could only describe as sweat pants and no shirt. He was out like a light. He must have been waiting on her to come back. She decided not to disturb him as she headed to the shower.

Her clothes fell into a pile on the tiled floor and she glanced in the mirror. Her face was streaked with dirt and sweat from Rannoch. She looked older, probably from the stress. She leaned in and really looked at herself. Her first thought was there was nothing that a few days of no war and a trip to a day spa couldn't fix. Maybe Liara would like to go with her, or Miranda. Not Jack surely. Tali, well she wasn't sure if they had anything like that for Tali. The image of Eve in a day spa made her shake her head and smile to herself.

She moved into the hot streams of water and closed her eyes. Letting her head move side to side as the water washed the dirt and grime from her slowly. She put her hands in front of her on the tile wall and leaned letting the water hit the back of her neck. She jumped slightly when she felt two hands on her hips.

There were no words. There didn't need to be. Not with them. She felt Garrus move as close as he could to her. His talons ran up her back slowly, teasingly. She loved how he explored her. How his hands felt on her. How everything was tender at first.

He slowly raised her up with a soft tug and ran his hands around her front. He cupped her breasts gently kneading them along with the hot water that rushed against her. He let his right hand move down her chest to her flat stomach, along a scar that not many knew she even had leftover from Lazarus. She gasped and pushed her head back against his upper chest when she felt a talon slowly and lightly graze her inner thigh.

She couldn't help but open her legs slowly at his coaxing hand. He moved slowly, almost painfully slowly, before finally running the knuckle of his finger against her clit. She gasped again and grabbed onto a soap dish attached to the wall. She heard him softly chuckle in her ear.

He leaned in and whispered, "That's my girl," as he gently rubbed her.

Her hips were moving against him, grinding to the rythem he was setting for her. She could feel his plates move and feel his cock rub against her. He growled in the back of his throat making his chest rumble against her back. She was so close.

"Garrus. I...I" She gasped and immediatly felt him pull his hand away. He turned her, grabbing her and causing her to momentarily blinded by the water running down her head and into her face. She felt the wall against her back and his hands grip her hips as he picked her up. She gasped and felt his cock press against her. He grunted as he thrusted into her in one long deep, but slow, thrust.

He was buried to the hilt in her warmth. His arms went around her as the thrusted in and out. He groaned and growled against her neck, gently nipping at it and licking it as her hips thrusted back to him. All that could be heard were the sounds of growling, grunting, and moans inside the splashes of the hot water.

Garrus grabbed her tightly, burying his head into her shoulder as he shuddered in her and she in turn shuddered around him. Gripping each other in the hot water, breathing heavily. Her legs began to drop and he shook his head no. Grabbing the relaxed leg and pulling it back up around him. He didn't move his head. Just stayed buried in her and around her as deeply as he could.

Her breathing returned to normal and after a few moments so did his. He let her down slowly and turned off the water. Reaching for a towel he dried her first, even her hair. She smiled at him the whole time before doing the same for him.

They walked into the sleeping area. Garrus laid on the bed drawing her to him.

"You know we'll be expected shortly to save the quarians and stop the geth." Jane said nuzzling him.

He nodded."Yes, but not right now." His hands rested against her, taking in the moment that thanks to the quarians he almost didn't have.

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