Chapter 26: Love is battlefield

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Garrus made his way to the main battery. He checked his personal messages hoping to see something from his father or sister, or both. There wasn't any news yet. He flipped through other messages, including news on battles and losses. He found one from Wrex. He had to laugh. Poor guy couldn't get away from the women now that the genophage was cured. Garrus felt good for Wrex. The genophage was cured and his people could thrive, assuming this war ended.

He flipped through more messages, deleting some and moving some. One stood out to him. It was from Victus.

"Garrus, I'll be on the Citadel for a few days trying to work out support from the council. If you want to meet up to talk strategy or just for drinks I'd appreciate the company. I'm in the apartment that belongs to your father. The senator and his family set to take it over, well, they didn't make it. In any case, I'll be here. Stay safe, friend. Primarch Victus., Palavan High Command."

Garrus had to smirk. The closing was an automated closing. If he wanted to, he could set his outgoing mail to show his full title. It would take up four lines, but hey.

He looked over the schedule for the coming days. They would be in Citadel dock for at least another two days, then they headed to the Quarian fleet, and if that went well back to the Citadel to bring the Quarians to the council. Garrus stood up and went to Shepard's quarters to change clothes. Even though he lived there now, it was still hard to wrap his mind around it being their quarters and not hers or the Commanders.

He changed into casual clothes and headed to the shuttle and docking bay. He caught up with Shepard in the med bay. She was talking to Chakwas about the medical supplies she managed to get. Chakwas looked up from her chair and smiled at Garrus.

"Garrus, I didn't realize you knew how to dress in anything that was issued." She laughed a little as he leaned against the wall.

"I have you know I have a very good sense of style. Most of the time. When I'm not being shot at. Did the supplies get here Doctor?"

He smiled at Shepard who was already standing and moving towards him. It looked like the two women had been enjoying a drink together.

"They made it just fine Garrus, thank you. Commander, I'll leave you to your day. I have some supplies to inventory and sort out." Chakwas stood and moved towards the back of the med bay as Shepard and Garrus moved out the door and into the hall.

Shepard smiled and gave him and up down look. "Where are you headed handsome?"

He laughed and looked around to make sure no one was paying attention. Leaning in, he touched his forehead to hers. "Adrian messaged me. I'm going to meet up with him on the Citadel and have a few drinks. I'll be back later. The guns are calibrated, spare parts haven't arrived yet, and unless there is an issue I'm free for a few hours."

Shepard nodded. "Just don't have drinks and blow off steam."

Garrus almost choked as he looked at her. "Oh ha, ha. Laugh it up. I'll see you later."

She nodded as the elevator doors shut.

Within half an hour Garrus was walking up the stairs to his family's old apartment. He knocked and heard a muffled, "come in." Opening the door his first sight was a game of biotoball being played on the flat screen in the living room. He smelled food as he stepped in and closed the door.

"In the kitchen." He followed the voice and stopped at the bar area. Adrian was in casual clothing, data pads all over the place, and food was being heated up. Adrian picked up a piece of what looked like meat and took a bite.

"Food is terrible here. Always has been for us though. You want good turian food go to..."

"Omega." They both said at the same time and laughed.

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