Chapter 6

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Someone here in Athens is out for me? Someone who wants me dead? but how can you kill a creature like me, well yes killing me would be easy but what's stopping me from coming back? I knew they knew my ancestry with what animal they used but what if it were all just a coincidence and these people were not as formidable as I originally thought.

I didn't notice until now I was only a few meters away from the door of the Mikaelson manor and the way the morning breeze passed through my hair. I felt a hand on my wrist and spins me to face a worried looking Elijah.

"If you go to the tunnels now what do you expect to see? Will they welcome you with open arms or they might kill you the way the vision pointed out" he scoffed

"Better now then nightfall, Elijah" I retorted

"Then I shall come with you?" He convinced

"Elijah, If you come with me know this all going to be dangerous" I informed

"Living my life is already dangerous as it is, I doubt that accompanying you will change that fact" he explained

Slowly but surely we made our way in to the town passing the town center, farmer's market, the tavern and eventually my house which was already at the outskirts of the town itself. But I saw Anne, Marie, Charity, and Edith standing there and they look like they were crying.

Soon Anne turned back to see me and Elijah standing behind them and the others followed suit after.

"By the grace, we thought you were dead" Marie blubbered 

"Just because my house was burnt down doesn't mean I am dead" I comforted

"Yes, but we were looking for you when we found out and you were no where to be seen and all your important books were gone" Charity argued and she spoke of my grimoires in such a way because she didn't know Elijah knew my secret well at least half of it. He only knows half of it just like them.

"Yes well I couldn't sleep at my own home for obvious reasons, so I stayed with the Miklaelsons last night. Speaking of which, I forgot to introduce you this is Charity, Anne, Marie, and Edith " I started pointing at them when I said their names respectively. "And girls this is Elijah Mikaelson, you know him as the man I was talking to last night, he offered to let me sleep at his manor until I can find a more permanent place to live"

They all started shaking hands and exchanging hellos and good mornings but the moment Charity shook Elijah's hand, her eyes went wide in horror she had a face of fear prominent in her features. I knew she saw what he was and was utterly terrified.

"You'-re a-- or--gin--al va-- mpi--re" she stuttered and soon the other's face from relief and joy to one of fear and a certain typical Marie disgust.

"Yes, he is but you don't have to be afraid. He won't hurt you" I assured them

"I don't mean to be rude, Megan, but you're a powerful witch, you could easily snap his neck with the littlest movement from your fingers and we can't really defend ourselves from his kind" Anne cautioned

"I promise I do not wish to hurt any of you and I am a man of my word" Elijah protested

You could see it but just a little they're tense bodies indeed relaxed just a little but without a doubt a they were still scared but just a little less and right now that was all enough for me.

"We mustn't speak here other could hear" I claimed

Though we were really in the outskirts of the town there were still many passer by and I fear it could be any of the witches in my visions, I wasn't able see all them properly except for the lady that stabbed me with a mystical dagger.

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