Chapter 29

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Soon Klaus found the girls through overhearing Marcel speak with someone on the phone and brought all of them back to the plantation house along with the bodies that Megan had killed to protect Hayley.

"This is why I told you never to leave the house. Werewolves are banned in the Quarter. I had a plan, and your little nighttime stroll put it all in peril!" He shouted towards Hayley before looking to Rebekah who was moving forward to the unconscious but alive vampire and shouted at her. "Leave him!"

"You've done enough, don't you think? Leaving a trail of bodies like a road map to my door?" he raged at Rebekah before looking towards where Megan stood besides Hayley "And you I thought you were smarter than killing Marcel's vampires when he is already weary of us" he critized

"You must understand Klaus they were about to kill Hayley and I couldn't just snap their necks with magic and my speed is not as fast of that of a vampire, I did what I could to protect Hayley and honor his' promise to protect her and the child." Megan retorted.

"And don't give me that crap about having a plan. You've had all the time in the world to execute a plan, and no one's seen you do a damn thing! Elijah made a deal to protect your child, so that it could save you from your selfish, rotten self. But you obviously don't give a damn about the child or Elijah, because what have you done to honor it."  Rebekah barked at her older brother, with visible lines on her forehead and seething voice.

"I have done everything. Let me spell it out for you, shall I? From the day I arrived, Marcel hasn't trusted me. From Day One, he's had his vampires ingest toxic vervain which, as you know, little sister, protects them from my mind control. " Klaus started with the same anger that Rebekah had.

" I needed a spy, someone on the inside with me who Marcel would never suspect. So, I created a Day Zero and got there first. Marcel had just lost six vampires, thanks to your little murder spree, and he needed new recruits. So, I made the new one mine, before he'd had even a drop of vervain." Klaus further explained.

" But we all know the real way to a man is through his heart, so...  I had the bartender psychologist give Marcel a chance at a relationship" Klaus concluded.

"And this one – I'm gonna drain him of vervain, compel him to believe his mates found religion and moved to Utah, so that he can explain to Marcel why he lost three more vampires tonight." Klaus said as he dragged the alive vampire from the pile where he placed the rest of them and walked with him to the house.

"Now, anymore questions ?" Klaus asked.

"You should have left Camille out of this" Megan mumbled.

"Why? to loose my leverage against Marcel?" Klaus fumed.

"Because her twin brother was hexed by the elder witch Agnes to kill nine seminary students and himself with a scythe because his uncle, who is leader of the human faction, did something to upset the witches. She already gone through too much and adding her to this would only worsen her situation and you fail to realize that" Megan informed.

There was silence amongst the four in the house. The silence that caused all of them to ponder as to the recent events of the town and their actions that was amounted to all of it. But soon the silence died when Klaus asked a question he didn't like the answer to.

"What were you doing in the quarter in the first place?" Klaus questioned directing it to Hayley.

"Leave her be" Rebekah defended.

"You wanna know what I was doing? I was buying poison, so I could put your little baby out of its misery." Hayley replied angrily which caused Klaus to pin her to a nearby wall and chock while she was gasping for air.

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