Chapter 9

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Days went by I still slept at the Mikaleson manor but almost always I was out either with my friends or by myself but always just out of the manor. When I was in the manor I usually spend it with Rebekah and in the off chance, Nikaus  but never Elijah. Niklaus mentioned that he's just trying to keep distance because he's scolding himself for trusting me so easily.

I have not even seen Elijah for the past few days, its like he wasn't even living in the house anymore but then you hear his voice whether he was talking to Rebekah or Nikalus or even the people they have compelled to clean the house and that what not.

Even though the problems with the witches that I have recently coined, the Cerberus coven, are still at large I nor the Mikaelsons acted on it. Me, because I fear it only upset Elijah and cause even greater tension than already present. The Mikaelsons, they don't really care because it does't concern them what so ever.

So here I stood just late afternoon to early nightfall, in the library of the house, no one was home I could tell. It was larger than I expected, I have never been here because it was where Elijah usually stays and as of the moment we are avoiding each other, there are books that cover the walls from floor to ceiling and there was a large window that over looked the city of Athens but what caught my eye was the small clavichord, the precursor to the piano, in the center of the room.

I looked through the bookshelves and there were many classics like Hval's Codex and Pontus and Sidonia. There many books and most of them from English literature and despite all of it I found myself holding onto a book with a larger M written on it. It had no title whatsoever.

When I looked through its pages and realized it was actually a grimoire but not just any grimoire it was Esther Mikaleson's grimoire. I quickly placed the book back not wanting to cause any trouble with the Mikalesons if they saw me with their mother's grimoire.

I soon found myself in the center of the room where the clavichord stood. It's lid was closed and so I lifted it up, my hand running through its keys, I sat down at its bench. I placed my hands on the keys and started playing a soft tune that gradually got stronger and more intense.

I played the song as if I was playing my emotions through it, like I was expressing myself through it, through the music it brings and it was beautiful. So much pent up frustration realized through my finger tips and it was such an amazing feeling. I was so engrossed in playing I fail to realize that Elijah has entered the room.

"Who's piece are you playing? because I haven't heard anything like that" He asked. I shoot my head up to see him leaning against the door frame with an impressed look on his face.

"You haven't heard it before because it is a piece of my own creation" I replied

"Have you ever considered becoming a musician, with your talent you will become a music legend" he praised

"Yes I have thought of it once or twice but what happens when they realize the music legend should be dead or age after a hundred years?" I joked

But soon there was a silence that covered us and I turned to face the window, you can clearly see the moon in the sky now  the town was lit up with torches upon each house, each road, and each establishment. It was a nice sight and a great distraction from the silence that lingered in the room.

"I should leave this is your library after all" I trailed off

"No it's quite alright... is it finished?" he inquired

"I'm sorry what?" I asked not really understanding his question.

"I mean did you finish the song?" he repeated 

"No, I haven't had the time to do so" I answered

He stopped leaning against the door frame and stood up straight , adjusting  his sleeves in the process and started walking to where I was seated, I moved a little bit to the right as he sat down to the spot I have allotted  for him and placed his fingers on the keys as well before facing to me.

"Why don't I help you finish it? we have the time now don't we not?" He stated with a small smile on his face.

"Why not?" I replied 

Starting the melody of the song, it didn't take long for Elijah to follow the beat and soon played along and making little improvements here and there, adding his own element to the piece and we were playing in harmony and more importantly we played together, played with such intensity other musicians would be jealous, and we played with a unique element to it, often our hands will cross over to each other sides.

And before we knew we have reached a point where we deemed it as finished. We played the song once or twice for the sake of mastery he said and I wouldn't deny him. I liked being around Elijah, he just makes me want to become a better version of myself.

Soon we have finished the song for the third time and we just looked at each other adoringly. It was a look of pure astonishment and we were extremely happy on how the piece turned out that we named it Starlight symphony.

"I'm sorry " he suddenly spoke in the happy atmosphere

"What for?" I inquired

"For not speaking to you lately, my behavior these last few days are quite child like and I apologize for the way I acted towards you after that night." He explained 

It's fine Elijah, if anyone feels the need to apologize it should be me, I was the one who talked to you under false pretenses after all." I stated

"Yes but you already apologize for that And now I see fit that I apologize for my actions as well" he spoke gently

"Then see this that I have accepted your apology and I have already forgiven you" I said with a smile and soon he followed suit.

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