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Sorry I've been inactive. I've been busy studying and all sowwy.

3 weeks later...
(Alyssa's pov)
"Hey JAKEY" I scream
"Hey baby" he screams back and hugs me tight
"Okay u can let go now"
"No I'm never letting go" he said and I just laughed.
Later on he let go and I just went back to what I was doing and he went to the living room.
(Jakes POV)
"Gm Colby"
"Gm Jake" he replies back
I smile and blush while looking down at my pocket and take the box out and open it up.
"Woah woah wait? Ur really going to -"
"Yes it's alright with her family and mine. Is it okay with u?"
"Yeah man yeah just don't hurt her ya know that's my baby sis."
"Thank u so much bro" I hug him and finish drinking my water and happily skip to my room and think. What if she doesnt accept it? We've been together for years and I don't wanna lose her. But how will I do it ? I began making a couple of ideas and wrote them down and called a few people lastly I called Kevin.
"I'm gonna do it man, I'm gonna propose!" And hung up

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2018 ⏰

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