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You woke up to a gasp. Your eyes shoot open. "What is it?" you say. It was Ela. You look down and realize you have no shirt. "Shit" was all you could get out before falling of the bed. "Whats going on" It was Ash. You jump up and see everybody staring at the scars and burns covering his body. You grab your shirt and ran the hell out before they could start asking questions.

Ela's POV

I gasped in shock after looking at Y/N. His back was covered in scars and burns. A serpent wrapped around fist a was burned into his lower back. Suddenly he look up in shock, cussed and fell of the bed. by now the others woke up from the commotion. Y/N jumped up looking at the wide eyes as they saw the scars. He quickly grabbed his shirt and ran out the door. I climbed out of bed and went to Doc. After about five minutes of banging on the male dorms door a very tired Bandit answered the door. Dominic! Grab Doc, I need a word with him. The tired operator returned in the room and came back with a tired medic. "Merde, Why so early?" "The doc said. Why did you not mention the scars on Y/N body?!" I shouted. He looked shocked. "How do know about them?" I felt my face heat up. "He was sleeping shirtless." The doctor pondered this for a moment. "Y/N has been alone for Years so he probably was so tired he went to bed how he would alone." "OK, but how did he get them?" was all you could care about at the moment. "That is something he will have to share with you. Is there any thing else?" He asked "No."

As I entered the dorm I saw Y/N siting on the coach looking at one of his knifes.


After seeing Ela chase after Y/N, I got up and walked over to his bed his pillow had fallen off the bed reveling a container. I Picked it up and looked at the label. "anti-depressants" I said out loud. "What?!" Said almost everybody in the room. "The scars, medication..." Ash muttered to her self. The group got together and started to talk in worried tones. "What happened to him." "He's so young." "Those were some bad burns." Quietly they hear the door open in the main area of the dorm.


Sitting on the sofa thinking about what happened is what Ela saw. I turn my head and look at her. She has true concern in her eyes. "Y/N, what happened to you?" "And care to explain this" Ash said looking at you with a worried look on her face. "Well I did not think you would find out about this so soon" You said sigh "I'll start from the beginning."

-Flash Back-

"YOUR SO FUCKING USELESS! I should have done this long ago!" Your father said as he picked up a knife. He slashed at you. at the time you were only seventeen and terrified. "Stay still you shit!" This time when he swung his knife you side stepped and tripped your attacker. As he started to get up I ran. I enlisted into the army. anything to get away. The man at the desk looked at you questioningly and wrote your name down

-Time skip a year later in Irac-

Rockets flew over head. "We need a place to lay low!" I yelled "Over there!" The leader of the squad was KIA. We rushed to the building the solder pointed out. As soon as we go in the roof clasped. Pinning my leg Under a support beam. I was trapped there for hours. but the terrorists had kill my entire squad. that had taken me hostage. They wanted information and I was not going to break. After the sterilized me the chained me up and branded their emblem into my back. They burned me, Cut me up, For five months. I was found by U.S. soldiers, barely alive. I was in therapy for two years. and ever since I have suffered and P.T.S.D. and depression.

"And now I'm here" You say looking up to see shock and tears in the operators eyes. "Sadly that was a very mellow version of what happened." You say looking down. "That's so sad!" Dokkaebi she said jumping at you and holding you in a tight hug. This surprised you, only knowing hate from your parents and violence from war. You close your eyes and smiled."Thank you"

Demons (Rainbow Six x PTSD Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now