Chapter 12: Fail, Fall, And Fate

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The Vytal Festival Tournament, so far our team has done well in the first few matches, in the original plan I was to go to the finals, now it's Mercury. Cinder hasn't told us anything, well mostly just me, I have no clue as to what she is doing and part of me doesn't want to know, it's like there is something dreadful on the horizon, and she has a part in it. For now I tried to enjoy myself, luckily I haven't fought any of the girls, I don't know if I could hold myself back, the more I think about crushing Weiss' pride or shattering Reese's hope, I get an odd smile across my face and there is only one thing that could truly ruin it.

Amethyst: "(F/N)?" Crossing paths with my sister and mother at the fairground. "It was you on TV!" She runs up to us while mom walks up.

Mom: "My, you've changed a lot. Is this your team?"

Emerald: "I'm Emerald, and yes we're his teammates."

Mom: "Well it's a pleasure to meet you all."

Amethyst: "Oh! The time! Mom we have to get going before the next match!"

Mom: "Right, we'll talk later, how about over dinner?"

(F/N): "Sure thing." They walk off, Amethyst waves to me.

Emerald: "Well they seem nice, why haven't-"

(F/N): "They will burn." Emerald didn't say a word, there was too much fury in my eyes and the aura around me for her to act casual.

Amethyst: "Why couldn't it have been you?!" I still remember their words.

Mercury: "Hey, they bother you that much?"

(F/N): "Change of plans, I'm going to the finals, and they are going to have a front row seat."

Emerald: "(F/N), no." I look at her with murderous intent.

(F/N): "(F/N), yes." Iris grabbed my hand, she looked at me with a mute expression.

Iris: "When your job is done, I'll bring them to you as thanks."

(F/N): "Thanks? For what?" She lets go and starts to walk off without us.

Mercury: "Women, am I right?" I look at him and shake my head.

Emerald: "You are almost never right."

Mercury: "Hey, almost is better than always."

(F/N): "Barely."

We continue walking through the fairground, Emerald went off when she spotted team RWBY, when she returned she had a smile on her face and was texting on her scroll. Something about Weiss and Yang going into the doubles round, making me wish more that I could continue in the tournament. While we were heading for a stall I received a message from Ozpin, he wanted to speak with me about something important. I told the others I had something to take care of and left for his office, at the elevator I was surprised to meet up with Goodwitch and Ironwood.

(F/N): "Long time no see, how have things been?"

Ironwood: "We're late, we can talk later." The three of us enter the elevator, I briefly examine them.

(F/N): "Is this meeting interrupting your date?"

Glynda: "What are you talking about?"

(F/N): "You're wearing lipstick, something I've never seen you wear, and Ironwood has a hint of cologne. So you both were on a date, right?" They look at each other, then to me.

Ironwood: "Not a word of this to anyone."

(F/N): "Say no more." The elevator arrived, Pyrrha was sitting in front of Ozpin's desk, Qrow was leaning against a pillar.

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