Chapter 1: Are You Serious? No, I'm Jordan

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Riley's POV

I wake up, freezing, drenched by absolutely cold water. My vision is blurry as I try to find the culprit.

Standing in front of me with a bucket in his hand, is my little pain-in-the-butt of a brother, Sebastian.

"Seb! You absolute idiot!" I yell at him, getting up from my bed to start chasing him and planning all the ways to murder him.

Hm, maybe I can strangle him with his shoelaces.

"It wasn't me, Mom told me to!" He shrieked, throwing the bucket away and running out of the room.

I stood there, furious, not sure if I should chase him or not. I mean, I should, and smack him with a working chainsaw, but do I really want to be scolded by Mom and Dad for 'being mean' and 'terrorizing' my 9-year-old excuse of a brother?

I sighed. The youngest child always wins.

I quickly checked my alarm clock. 7:49 AM.



I quickly slapped my face with water, (literally) and brushed my teeth. Then I hastily opened my closet and threw all my clothes out, trying to find the first school-appropriate outfit I could find.

A grey hoodie and blue ripped jeans with white sneakers. Eh, this'll do.

I quickly brushed my hair trying not to scream in pain. Damn the knots made in hair.

I quickly put my light brown hair into a ponytail and grabbed my bag, running downstairs.

"Mom! I'm going to be late!" I yelled frantically.

She came out of the kitchen with a smile. "I know, honey. I got Seb to wake you up. Isn't he a lovely little brother?" Seb came along and Mom ruffled his hair.

I planned to get revenge on Seb later on but was too busy worrying about being late. I needed a clean record!

Mom saw my anxious face and smiled warmly. "Oh, and I got Jordan to drive you to school since it takes 15 minutes to walk, and you have 5 minutes left until school starts at 8."

I stared at her, my eyes nearly popping out.

My own mother just betrayed me.

Jordan Waters, the most annoying guy on the planet who was my neighbor, was going to drive me to school.

I think I'd rather die.

"Mom! I'm not going to-"

She shushed me and handed me a banana, lightly pushing me out of the front door and into the lawn. "Go, child. If you be late your father will be less than happy."

I pouted at her. "Can't I catch a bus?"

She shook her head firmly. "The bus was long gone. And I've already informed Jordan's mother that you'll be catching a ride with him. So have a good day dear, and get lost."

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