Chapter 18- Operation: Pretend To Be A Boy

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Back to Riley's Point Of View:

"Where is he? What happened?" I asked, anxious.

Liam gave me a small smile. "I'm not sure, Love. The doctors said it wasn't serious, but she's had a....a heart stroke." He whispered.

I wanted to bury my face into my knees and cry. Grace was like a second mother to me. I've known her all my life. If anything happened to her...

My mom was not coping at all. She burst into tears.

"Call your father." She ordered me, still weeping. She handed me her phone with trembling hands.

I called my dad and told him to come to the hospital immediately, and told him about Grace. He told me to give the phone to Liam, Jordan's dad, and I did. I don't know what else he said to him.

"Alright, fine. Jordan's out here, somewhere. I'll go look for him." Liam said, and ended the call. I looked up at him with hopeful eyes.

"He can't come right now, Riles." He told me. "In a very important business meeting. But he said it'll take 30 minutes for it to be over and he'll come straight here."

"Alright." I said. "Can I go find Jordan?"

"I was just about to go." He said. "You go, Riley. He must be feeling terrible right now."

And so I left, with Mother, Liam and Grace in the room. I thought hard where Jordan would be.

If I was Jordan, where would I be?

Near the vending machine, of course.

Unfortunately, he wasn't near any of them. Hmm, where else...

The bathroom?

I can't go there, though....unless I dress up like a man....

"Only Jordan would do crazy stuff like this." I whispered. "Only for you, Jordan."

I went into the ladies toilet and stared myself down in the mirror. I didn't wear makeup anyway, so that wasn't a problem. My hair was already tied in a ponytail. I pulled my hoodie up so my hair would be covered and it wouldn't be obvious to see if I was a girl or not. My clothes were eh. A black hoodie, white jeans and sneakers. Nothing feminine.

Satisfied, I marched my way out of the ladies toilet as a girl and entered the men's toilet as a boy.


Okay, woah.

The men's toilet was exactly the same as the ladies, except for the urinals. But that's kind of obvious why.

*cue the awkward coughs*

I don't know why, I always imagined the men's toilet to be different. How, Riley? Posters of the next football game stuck on the walls? Well, maybe...

"Jordan?" I said, in my normal tone. Then, suddenly remember who I was supposed to be, I made it deeper and called out once more. "Yo, Jordan buddy?"

I cringed at my manliness.

One of the dudes washing his hands eyed me suspiciously. I didn't know what to do, so I just went into one of the stalls.

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