Chapter 17: Good People Do Exist In This World

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Jordan's POV (Continued from last chapter)

I told him everything.

From me being an idiot and going to the popular crowd and leaving her, to my mother having a heart attack.

"So your mother... got a heart attack because....because you told her that you wouldn't go to your cousin's wedding with this Riley girl?" He asked, summarizing everything.

"Yep." I sighed sadly. "She was cooking some lunch, and I casually strolled into the kitchen was went, 'Hey Mom, I don't think I can go to the wedding with Riley. Maybe Kayla?' And then she collapsed."


"I know."

We had an awkward silence come over us. Then suddenly I said what I'd been meaning to say.

"Go on, tell me. Tell me that my problem's lame and stupid, especially after you told me your story."

He shook his head. "Everyone has problems, kid. Big or small. In this case, mine was big and yours is small, though it still matters. It also depends on luck. I was just unlucky. It was in my fate. No one deserves to have a problem like having their cute little sister killed."

Man, now I feel even more guilty.

"Don't feel guilty, though." He said. "I like that I shared my problem with you and you with me. Tell me more about this Riley girl."

I smiled at the thought of her. "Well, she's pretty."

"Well duh, all girls are."

"What about boys?" I said, my eyes accusing. If all girls were pretty, we're all boys good-looking?

"They' Rowdy but every boy has a sweet side, like I do for my sister."


He chuckled. "Everyone has a philosophical side of them, though it may be minor."

"Seriously, dude, go become a preacher." I told him with a laugh.

He laughed with me. "Okay, what else do you like about Riley?"

I couldn't stop grinning. "Everything, really."

He chuckled and looked away, shaking his head with a smile. "And you hate her?"

"No, I've never hated her, God no. But I'm pretty sure she hates me. We always have these little quarrels, you see, and even though they become fun I think she doesn't seem to think it's fun."

He thought for a moment. "You don't know that."

I looked at him, confused. "And you do, because....?"

"Look mate, scientists have said that if you have a crush on someone there's an 80% chance that they like you back."

I roll my eyes. "Yeah sure, scientists still believe we evolved from monkeys."

"But we did."

"Oh yeah? Scientists made up what dinosaurs sound like. No ones heard them, but of course they have to roar like some wacko ear bleeder. What if they sounded like tiny mice? And they say people aren't judge mental sometimes. Everyone judges. Just because dinosaurs look scary doesn't mean they necessarily need to sound scary." I ranted on.

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