Chapter 10: The Reason

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"I think I like Zach."

I spit out the apple juice I was drinking all over the table, and stared at Emily. Emily, my innocent Emily, like Zachary Dawson.

Zachary, the Loser's best friend!


"Oh no you don't." Hailey said, as shocked as I was.

"Oh, but I do." Emily said dreamily. "We bumped into each other in the hallway and I dropped my books, so he helped me and picked them up for me. How romantic." She said, gazing into the sky.

Well, cafeteria ceiling.

"Yes yes how romantic." I said monotonously, sarcasm evident in my tone. "Ems, you backstabber."

Hailey looked at me, confused. "Backstabber? Is it because- oh." She said, catching on. "Man, you still hate Jordan? Well, Emily can date whoever she likes, whether he's the best friend of your mortal enemy or not."

I rolled my eyes as Emily laughed. "Sorry, Riles."

I glared at her. "I thought it was hoes before bros? And I'm your hoeee." I said.

She blinked at me. "Did Riley Bryers just say a swear word?"

I shook my head. "Hoe isn't a swear word."

"It is!" Hailey objected.

"Fine! I'll ask Jordan. He's the master of swear words and everything dirty."

Hailey smirked as Emily rolled her eyes. I got up to find Jordan.

"Wait! Don't go yet." Emily said. "Jordan literally lives right next to you. Ask him then, with your cousin Sherry or whoever."

"Shawn." I corrected.


"Um, there are many other people on this Earth with the first name as Shawn, Hails." I told her.

She slumped. "Oh. What a bummer. Is he hot?"


"Okay, okay. Jeez, calm yoself, woman."

I sat back down. "He's British. He has the exact same accent as we did when we were little and made fun of Brits by copying their accents." I told them.

Emily burst out laughing. "You mean how we went, Hi, can I have some biccies and tea?"

Hailey laughed. "OMG yeah haha! Though it's really stereotypical. Not all British people really sound like that."

I smiled. "Eh, we were just messing around. But wait till you hear Shawn."

Hailey raised an eyebrow. "Soo, you will be taking us to see Shawn?"

An idea popped into my mind. I grinned like a maniac at my two best friends. "What do you say we have a sleepover again like old times?"


Me and Jordan were walking back home.

Turned out Shawn needed Jordan's car to take our three mom's out shopping. Thank goodness I was in school. But I'm sure sure if I'd rather walk home with Jordan.

"So..." He said, desperately trying to start a conversation.

"So..." I said, blank with no ideas either.

"How's life?" He tried.

I shook my head. "Is hoe a bad word?"

The Frenemy NeighboursOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora