Chapter 23- Le Crap Moments @Jordan

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"What's a coma?" Sebastien innocently asked.

Carol started crying, and Sean looked distraught, his mouth hanging open.

Patricia looked confused. Adam looked nervous. Greg was still.

Mom and Dad were both looking worried.

And me? I completely flipped.

And not in a gymnastics kind of way.

"A coma?? Who the $@)? and why the @&$##*% do you think you know that she @&$-*}+#+ went into a @&&#*%+ coma????" I exclaimed.

Sebastien looked at me in awe. "You just said all the words I read written under the table at school."

Carol looked at him in disbelief. "I'm changing your school." She said in midst tears.

Sean wiped the sweat on his forehead. "Doctor, listen, please. That girl is my daughter. My only daughter, whom I love very much. Please, for the sake of God, help her."

The doctor shook his head. "We're doing what we can. Just...pray."

And with that, he walked away.

Carol slowly sat on a bench, bringing her hands to her face, as she started sobbing into them.

Even Patricia looked worried. "A...a coma? That's....not good..." She breathed. She turned to Adam and Greg. "Let', go see Shawn." She looked at Carol. "Forgive me for earlier, daahling, I was panicky. I really do hope your daughter gets well." She slowly started walking away and into the elevator with her husband and son to go check on Shawn.

"Her head injury must be really bad." Seb cried.

Sean sat down on the bench next to Carol. Seb squeezed in beside him.

"Why won't they let us see her?!" Sean muttered, frustrated.

Dad put a hand on his shoulder. "Patience, Sean. It'll be fine."

"It won't. It won't."

Mom came up next to me. "Jordan, I want you to find us a way to be able to see Riley. Please. For her parents' sake."

I looked at Dad, who was still comforting Sean, who was denying everything. Carol, who was weeping into her hands. And Seb, who had panic written all over his face.

"Of course, Mom."


Riley sneaked in the boy's toilet as a boy for you. This is the least you could do for her, I told myself, as I stood in front of the Nurse's clinic, my hand hovering on the door handle.

This is not going to go well.

With a deep breath, I pushed the handle and walked inside.

Act casual. Act casual.

The nurse's eyes lit up as she heard me enter. There was no one else in the clinic. Good.

"Good evenin! What can I do for ya? Oh, aren't you too young to be a father?" She scanned her eyes behind me. "Where's your child?"

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