Chapter 12: Little Miss Whiny

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This airport is so freaking cold.

Right now my family and Jordan's family are waiting in the Arrival area for Kayla and her family to greet them as if they were royalty. But they were coming slower than constipated sloths.

The struggle is real.

Jordan noticed me shivering and rolled his eyes. "You're an idiot for not bringing a sweater. Here, take mine." He said, starting to take his off to give it to me.

I gave him the look. "But then you'll be cold." I dead panned.

He shrugged. "I'm an immune super hero."

I refused to take his sweater. "Put it back on, Jordan. You'll catch a cold."

"So you won't take my sweater?"


"Fine." He said, and instead of putting his sweater back on, he threw it over to Grace. Just like all kids do when they don't want to hold something.

Don't want to hold something? Just throw it at your mom.

I looked at him, shocked. "You're an idiot, Waters. Now you'll be freezing."

He wiggled his eyebrows. "At least we'll catch a cold together, eh?"

I couldn't stop the smile spreading in my face. Jordan's stupidity was quite funny. I don't know why he would do this.

As the adults talked, me and Jordan went silent again.

"So, I heard my mom kicked you out." I said, breaking the silence.

He laughed. "Yeah, she was pretty shocked when I came here alone. First she was like, "Jordan honey, I think I'm going blind. I don't quite see your mother and father."

I burst out laughing. "My mom's a queen."

He nodded with a grin, which suddenly stopped. "Why were you pissed?"

"I wasn't pissed." I said almost immediately.

He wiggled his eyebrows again. "You were, after I mentioned Kayla."

"I wasn't pissed." I repeated.

He smirked. "Someone's jelly."

"I'm not jealous!" I whisper-shouted.

"Oh yeah? Well, you'll always be my one and oonnnllyyyyyy, Ri." He sang.

I rolled my eyes with a grin and kept anxiously glancing over at the Arrival Area for Kayla and her family.

Was I really jealous of someone I hadn't ever met?

Was I really that desperate to be known as Jordan's Best Friend?

Yeah, no.

After what seemed like ages, I caught a glimpse of a blonde girl who seemed my age carrying a Gucci purse and wearing smoking hot heels.


Behind her, two elders were staggering along, holding two suitcases each.

"Kayla, sweetie." The woman who looked very tired said, her voice desperate. "Why don't you take one of the suitcases? My back hurts."

"But Moooom, she whined. I wanna meet Jordan without looking like some stewardess."

I looked back at Jordan with an expression of disgust. This was Kayla?

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