Chapter 7: Meeting Shawn Mendes

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Jordan was avoiding me.

I knew, because the second I entered History he looked up at me with wide eyes and went to sit somewhere else, not next to me like he usually does.

And after the bell rang, he ran out like his hair was on fire.

I didn't see him during lunch.

As I saw him in the hallway, he made a swift 360 degree turn and sprinted away.

I smiled at him and waved which I normally don't do, and he pretended to not see which he normally doesn't do.

He didn't wait for me after my school club, and he usually does. Ever since we became friends, anyway. I had to walk home.


My poor legs will never forgive that Jerkface loser.

I mean, I get it. He kinda saved my face and I didn't even thank him. I mean, did I? I don't even know. And I don't even care. I still hate him, remember?

I sighed as I walked down the road. My house was 15 minutes away from school by foot, and I had been walking for 7 minutes. But all I could think about was Jordan stopping West from punching me.

I thought about what Hailey and Emily said. It was only for me, or would he really give death threats to people who would hurt strangers?

It was all so confusing.

Jordan is confusing.

I finally saw my house coming into view and smiled to myself in victory. I had made it! I opened the door to greet Seb.

"Riley!" He exclaimed. "Look what I found! I think it's a treasure hunt, but it's meant for you, but I can join, right?? Mom would be too happy if she heard you were leaving me out the fun." He said sweetly, in a threatening voice.

This he a professional blackmailer??

I looked over to what he was holding. A yellow post-it note. I took it from him with a "yeah, whatever, you can come but later." And he ran off with a grin.

Holy, this isn't a prank is it?

Meet me at the park in 10 for a surprise.


I blinked at the note. The only person I called Loser was... Jordan.

But he had avoided me the whole day. What does he want now from me, a sandwich?

Because boy, I'm hungry and I'm not giving him my sandwich.

I crumpled up the note and threw it in the trash, running up the stairs to my room. I quickly set my bag in my bed, changed my clothes into a white tee and jeans, and went out.

"Mom, I'll be back in a bit!" I yelled over my shoulder.

"If you don't be back in an hour I'm going to sell all your undergarments, sweetie!" I heard her yell back.

Well then.

I jogged my way to the park as I thought about why I was going. I mean, he ignored me the whole day. Why was I going to listen to him now? I don't know, I just feel as if I need to go, as if the park as some gravitational magnetic field attracting me to it.

I just don't know.

Soon I reached the park, panting. I really am out of shape.

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