Chapter 13: The Plan

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Kayla was finally asleep.

I strolled into Jordan's house as I usually do and found Grace in the kitchen.

"Hello, darling." She said. "You're here to see Jordan?"

"And Shawn." I told her, with a smile. "I was wondering why he didn't come to the airport too meet Kayla either."

Something flickered in Grace's expression, be she remained composed. "That is because there was no space, darling, and Shawn needed to catch up the school work he missed this past week. And..." She trailed off.

"Can I be honest, Grace?"

She smiled at me, her eyes wrinkling. "Of course, dear."

I leaned forward. "I don't think I like Kayla."

She relaxed a little. "Between you and me, I think she's a little spoilt. Very different from the last time I saw her. It seems as if school, or her friends, have changes her. And Jack and Sophia haven't been raising her well."

Someone agrees with me.


I was about to say something when we both heard a shout from upstairs.

"Mom! Can I go see Riley?" Jordan yelled.

"No need." I called back. "I'm coming upstairs."

I shot Grace and smile and with a wave, headed upstairs. Without knocking I barged into Jordan's room because come on, I'm the Queen here.

Jordan and Shawn were sprawled on the floor playing Fortnite.


"So this is Mendes catching up on schoolwork, huh?" I said, sitting on Jordan's bed.

"Don't even talk about school work, Riles." He said, his eyes still glued to the screen. "I couldn't even meet you. It's been that hectic."

I laughed. "Jordan, why were you coming over?"

"Oh, so you finally realized I existed." He snapped, but still looking at the screen.

"What crawled up your butt and died?" I muttered.

He shook his head vigorously as if clearing some thoughts away and closed the game.

"Dude!" Shawn exclaimed. "I was winning that!"

Jordan rolled his eyes and walked over to shut the door. Then he went back and sat on the floor again, gesturing me to sit on the floor with them.

I gave him a weird look. "I'm not here to do Yoga." I dead panned.

Shawn stood up, grabbed my hand and me down onto the floor with them ever so graciously.


I was still rubbing my sore arm when Jordan looked at me intently. "Shawn has a...a plan."

"For?" I groaned.

He smiled. Shawn cleared his throat. "Riley, I have a plan to make you come with me to the party and Jordan to go with Kayla."

I looked at him in shock and then back at Jordan. Then I burst out laughing.

"Man, sucks to be you, Jordan. You're going with Kayla?" I snorted. " She's going to be talking about her dress like a week before the wedding."

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