Chapter 6: Humbo Jumbo Elephants And The Bet

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I cowered away in fear.

I mean, what else would I do? Jump in the middle of the fight and start preaching about how, as a feminist, I should fight West?

I dunno, maybe that could work.

By now, a crowd had formed, and no one else decided to break up the fight.

"Stop!" I yelled to them. "You're all humbo jumbo elephants who're acting drunk AF right now!"

What? It's the first think I could think of to say.


Even Jordan stopped his punch mid-air to look at me.

He blinked.

"Did you...Did you just call us....?"

West finished his sentence for him. "Humbo jumbo elephants?"

"No, I was eating grass." I said sarcastically. I crossed my arms and gave them the look.

Still silence.


Jordan shook his head rapidly as if clearing his thoughts and proceeded to punch the life out of West.

"You will never, ever," he growled. "touch, or even look at Riley again." He hissed.

West visibly gulped. "We're p-partners-"

"I don't care!" Jordan yelled. "Switch with someone else! If I see you around Ri again, I will find you, and I will kill you."

This time it was my turn to be scared. "Heh, Jordan, don't you think that's a bit too extreme?"

He blinked. "You're right." You growled back at West. "I will make you wish you were never born." He said to him.

The crowd was still watching in silence.

I laughed nervously. "Shows over, people! Get back to your wonderful, pathetic lives!" I said, cheerily.

They scattered. Even West ran off.

"What the hell, Ri?" Jordan said to me after everyone was back to living their lives.

I scratched the back of my neck. "What?" I asked nervously.

What? Seriously, that's all you're going to say? Not even a thank you? My subconscious made me feel guilty.

He facepalmed. "You could've gotten hurt!"

I hung my head. "Sorry. And, thanks? But like, why would you-"

"Because I'm human." He said, looking at me. "Not any of that 'oh we're friends' bullshiz. It's because I'm human, and I would do that to any other person who needed help too."

And with that he sauntered off, without even sparing me a second glance.

Well wasn't the a whole load of drama in a small part of my life.



"That is soooooo romantic!" Emily gushed.

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