Chapter 3: The Very Idea Is Out Of Question

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"Mom, I'm home!" I yelled as I entered my house, throwing my bag in the ground.

"Hey, honey." She said, smiling at me. "Grace and Liam are here. They want to talk to you about something important."

I looked at her, confused. Did I do something wrong? Has Jordan finally told them about us hating each other? Oh, fishballs. I hate Jordan but there's no way we can ruin the family like that! Grace and Liam, his parents, are like siblings to my mother and father.

We're simply a family in two houses who aren't related whatsoever.

"Grace and.. Liam?" I asked. "Why? Did I do something wro-"

Mom interrupted me by grabbing my hand and lightly pushing me into the living room, where I found Grace, Liam, and Jordan sitting there politely.

"Hi." I said, waving to them. "What are you doing here?" I said, mostly directing my question rudely to Jordan.

"Sweetheart!" Grace greeted me. "How was school? Jordan said it was great! I heard about you running late, and thought it was wonderful for you two to ride there together."

"Umm, yeah." I said, awkwardly. "But Mom said you needed to talk to me about something important...?"

"Ah, yes. We decided to tell you and Jordan together."

I tried not to make a face when I heard the name Jordan.

"Um, okay." I said, trying to find a place to sit which wasn't next to Jordan.

The only seat empty was next to Jordan.

Darn it.

The adults must have planned this.

I awkwardly at at the edge of the empty seat, as far as I could from Jordan without making it look suspicious. Liam, Jordan's father, looked at me with a smile.

"So, Isla is getting married next month."

I smiled brightly at him. "Really? That's great! In fact, that's wonderful!"

Isla was Jordan's cousin who had come over for a visit many times. We were very close friends, and alo though we are not related, she's like a sister to me.

Liam scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "The thing is, the wedding has taken a twist. Isla insists everyone comes as a couple."

Jordan choked on the water he was drinking, and I awkwardly patted his back until he stopped coughing.

"Thanks." He said weakly.

I looked back at Liam. "But Liam, I'm a single pringle."

He smiled brightly at me. "That comes to why I called you both here today. Jordan is single. You are single. Why don't you two start dating and go as a cou-"

Now it was my turn to start coughing. I started wheezing, and couldn't breathe, until Jordan gave me his glass of water and patted me on the back.

Deja vu, anyone?

"Liam, I don't think relationships work like that." I said politely, my eyes still watering.

"Yeah." Jordan agreed. "The two people in relationship have to like each other."

Grace blinked at us. "You two don't like each other?"

"Of course we like each other!" I lied, a little too loudly. "But not in that way!"

Grace wiped a few of her tears. "Oh, how I wished for my children to do what we say, and obediently listen. But no, the generation has changed our kids. Now they will tell us what liking each other is."

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