Chapter 22- Overprotective Brother Alert

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Still Jordan's POV lmao

"Oh my Lord!" Riley's Mom screamed, once she realized that the unconscious girl on the bed was Riley.

"Which patient does not need much aid? Get them out!" I exclaimed.

The doctor looked panicked. "Finding that out would take a lot of time..."

"Let's take her to another hospital!" I yelled, already getting ready to hold the bed and start wheeling it out of the hospital.

"No!" Adam said. "The nearest hospital from here is 45 minutes away! Believe me, I checked when getting Shawn here..."

The doctor was sweating now. "God..." He rushed over to the receptionist's desk to find information about all the other patients in the hospital to replace the healthiest one with Riley for now.

"Riley's injury is much, much worse than Shawn's." I commented.


"Is anyone following up with where I'm going with this?" I questioned.

"We're not saving Riley before Shawn." Greg dead panned.

I stared at him in disbelief.

"Why?!? She could die!"

"Everybody calm down." Dad said, but did that calm everybody down?

Um, no.

"Riley!" Her mother sobbed.

"Wasn't he shot in the stomach?" The receptionist blurt-questioned.

"See? That's not that bad!" I admitted.

"Not that bad? It's terrifying!"

"Shawn can't get out of that room."

"I think Riley needs to be checked first."


"Riley won't make it, otherwise!"

"What about Shawn?"

"Enough! Shawn is not coming out of that room until he is conscious and perfectly fine!" Patricia announced.


Her husband Adam stared at her, shocked. "Patricia, honey, Riley is much more injured."

"I don't care!" She wailed. "Shawn is not fine!"

Grace watched her throwing a tantrum in disbelief. "Patricia? How are are we sisters?"

Patricia stared at Grace with cold eyes. "What do you mean by that?" She snapped. "Of course I care about my child more than your neighbor's daughter!"

Carol, Riley's mother, smiled sarcastically at Patricia. "Glad to see your true colors showing, daahling."

Dad sniggered, and then hid it with a cough, muttering, "Riley's mostly got her mother's genes..."

Patricia burst into tears. "I'm so sorry, Carol! this state....I'm just being a mother!"

"And I'm not?" She shot back.

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