Chapter 16: Hospital Receptionists Are So Cliché

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A/N- Attention: Smoking is hazardous to health. This chapter includes the concept only a little bit, but smoking is, in the end, very dangerous for anyone. Please don't be peer pressured or just 'try' what smoking feels like, you'll regret it forever.


Carry on xx


Finally, after eating some delicious McDonalds, we did a bit more shopping and headed home.

Unfortunately for me, we didn't find a dress. I mean I liked many, but they just didn't fit.

Maybe I do need to work out and get fit.

Or nahh.

Luckily, though, Kayla and her family went to visit one of their other relative's house and will stay there until dinner, thank goodness.

I rolled on my bed until I was staring the ceiling. I smiled at the little memory of me and Jordan racing up the escalators, probably looking like idiots to everyone else. The thing is, this has been one of the many 'things' we have/used to have, and we'll probably still do them when we're like, 80 years old.

Woahwoahwoah are you suggesting you'll be near Jordan when you're 80? Dat a dangerous bet yo.

Shut up, Inner Me.

My phone tinged, indicating I had gotten a message. I opened my phone and read the message in shock:

Loser, at 4:56PM

Hospital, now bring urparens

I hadn't even finished reading the 'bring urparents' when I jumped up to my feet and grabbed my shoes. I was wearing hoodies and jeans from our little shopping trip, and hadn't bothered to change, which brought me in luck for now. I panicked in my head as I nervously tied my shoelaces, fumbling around.

Was Jordan okay?

Did he be an idiot and get hurt?

Is he in serious danger?

He can't be joking around, he told me to bring my parents.

He even spelt it wrong, 'urparens', so was he in a hurry?

More nerve wracking questions popped up in my mind.

"Mom!" I called out, exiting my room with only a phone in my pocket and running downstairs.

"What, honey?"

"I got a text from Jordan, Mom. Says he's in hospital and to come quickly and bring you."

Mom abruptly stood up and stared at me with wide eyes. "What about your father?"

"I'll call him when we reach there." I simply told her, trying to remain calm.

We rushed to Mom's car and quickly dropped Seb off at one of his friend's house. As Mom drove, I couldn't help but worry about Jordan.

But if he was the one who was injured or hurt, wouldn't Grace or Liam send the text?

"Oh God, Oh God." Mom kept repeating. "Call him, Riley. Which hospital is it again?"

"He's not answering!" I answered with a frustrated sigh. "Let me try and text him." I also told her which hospital Jordan had texted me to come to.

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