Chapter 9: Was That A Girl Screaming, Or...?

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I quickly shielded my eyes with my hands from his toned abs. "HOLY FISHBALLS!" I screamed.

Jordan screamed like a girl when he saw me. "JESUS, RI!"


hol' up.






The sudden revelation took over my body and I took my eyes away from my face, staring at him and bursting out laughing.

Jordan looked at me confused. "What the fu-"

"Language." I managed to warn him midst my laughter.

He sighed, rolling his eyes. "Why are you laughing, Ri?"

"HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" I screamed, not even being able to take a short breath. I pointed at him, my knees falling to the floor.

After about 3 minutes (I think.) I stopped laughing, but tears were still brimming down my face. I slowly got up and gave him a mischievous smile.

"Your manly scream is quite manly." I commented.

Suddenly he realized why I was laughing and blushed furiously, looking like a bloody tomato.

"Get out, Ri." He said.

"What? N-" Suddenly the image of him screaming like a chipmunk drunk on helium flashed in my mind and I started laughing again.

(A/N tbh this happens to me, once I laugh because of something funny is appears in my mind at random times during the WHOLE WEEK and I die on the floor, laughing, getting weird looks from random people.)

Jordan sighed like he was used to my antics as I wiped the tears from my face.

"Why aren't you changed?" I asked him.

"For?" He asked, groggily.

"For the dinner?" I reminded him, like he was 5.

He ran a hand through his wild hair. "Uh. Haha, funny story actually."

I crossed my arms and gave him the look. "Haha, quite funny." I said, monotonously.

He sighed. "I may or may not have heard Mom telling me to get up and get changed, and me telling her, '5 more minutes." He said, guiltily.

We both stood there in silence.

"What are you waiting for, idiot. Get changed." I said.

He quickly slammed the door and I heard him dash around madly, opening his closet.

"DASI RUN RUN RUN!" I yelled, before starting to go in a fit of laughter again.

I heard him groan. "Please no, Ri."

I placed a hand on the door for support as I died, laughing. I could imagine Jordan rolling his eyes as he struggled into a shirt.

"Your scream was the best moment of my life." I said to him as he opened the door, wiping a tear.

He had changed into a casual but classy blue shirt with black jeans.

"Is this fine?" He asked, nervously.

"Yeah, whatever, lets go now." I said, grabbing his wrist and leading him downstairs really quickly like Sonic.

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