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"That person is present in this room right now...."I spoke feeling hot around my ears....

"Ohh then is Jikook real??...."Jin hyung winked....

"Ohh...I'm shipping it so badly....."you were involving too...

"Jungkook how could you cheat on me....I was thinking that Vkook ship was going to sail to the shore...."

"Oye Jungkook Jimin is mine...Yoonmin is forever...."

"No Yoongi hyung then what about Sope always...."

"Whatever Namjin is never gonna break whatever happens to other ships...."

"What Jin hyung I'm straight....I already love some girl...and of course she's my love at first sight...."

Every eye turned to Namjoon hyung....he blushed and stole a look at you...and as he noticed everyone was looking he stared down again....and right at that moment I knew why he took the shot...and why he was behaving strangely....

Hyung and me....we both were in love with same person...and we both knew it...and this was the thing we dreaded most....this was the thing any of us desired to never happen....and now this was happening....truth was clear to all 7 of us...and we all looked at each other...

"What happened....why everyone became so tense......is everything alright....let's continue the game..."

"Ohh no...nothing happened y/n....enough playing...let's dance around and eat...."Yoongi hyung handled the situation...

"Yah....let's drink...."

In all the tension and commotion....me and V hyung forgot our plan and ended up mixing all kinds of drinks....now no one could tell which drink was adultratrd and which was not....but who cared...

But I thought that it would be better not drink any of shots...in case I get drunk badly and say my heart out...I didn't wanted to do a drunk confession or some drunk mistake....I wanted everything perfect....

On the other hand....you seemed drinking hell out of your life....you were drunk so much and still drinking shot after shot....it seemed like you had lost the sanity about what you were drinking and what effect wil it do on you....I thought that I should stop you....I started walking towards you....but right at that time....
Namjoon hyung came to you....staggering a bit...he was also drunk...but seemed to contain himself....may be he had just lost his inhibitions and not sanity...

"Hey y/n....want some help...."

"Ooppppaa.....I'm feelinggg veryyy thirstyy...I wannna drinkk thiss waterr soooo...muchhh...."

"Y/N it's alcohol not water...."

"Noo....oppaaa...it's waterrr...I havvee beeeen drinkinggg itt sincee birthhhh...."

"Come on Y/N let's dance....it will setisfy your thirst...."

"Howww will ittt dooo soo oppaa....opppaa...telll mee whoo wasss yourrr love att firsttt sightt....whyy did you looked attt mee at thatt momentt...."

"Ohh that y/n...."

"Ittt'sss mee right...."and your head fell on the table...as well as my heart....did she already knew about hyung's feelings....and what about mine then....

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