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"Namjoon Jungkook sit down..."


"Sit down and let me talk first....so Namjoon speak up....about your side..."

"Well Jin hyung I like y/n since the day i saw her....and slowly as our friendship grew up...my feelings deepend, and finally I confessed on our comeback day,but she didn't replied....so i thought that she needed time,but now I think about it,i think she had someone else on her mind...and it comes out that Jungkook here also confessed to her before and she is now confused i think..."

"Hyung I confessed a long time before you did..."

"I didn't even know that you too had feelings for her..."

"Don't lie Namjoon...everyone here knew that Jungkook likes er...how could you not know...."

"No Jin hyung....i think Namjoon was so consumed by his own feelings to see anyone else's condition..."

"Yes Jin hyung,Yoongi hyung may be right...I had never seen Jungkook had feelings for her..."

"But now you know...so leave her for me....because she's mine only...."

"But Jungkook it's her choice,it's she who will decide not you...."

"Hyung i know she'll just be mine not yours...."

"Ohh how could you say that Jungkook....i've been with her and talked about many things...she 's even responded good...we've hugged often...i know she also feels something...and she's a mature person and you are just little boy for her...immature...she deserves someone like me....i'll make her happier and understand her better...."

I felt my blood boiling....we both even had sex more than one round and still he's calling me immature....i wanted to tell him this but stopped as you had asked me to....but then...

"....Jungkook you should stop trying to get her,you don't even understand love and emotions...you are even younger than her...and also i'll fuck better...."

At that i felt myself rising from my seat and my hand turned into fist walking towards him....

"No Jungkook...."a scream and i felt a hand clinging on my arm,stopping me from puching,my breath irregular as i tried to release my hand from grip but it was impossible,i waa surprised by strength and as i saw the person holding me....all my senses reasonings left me....ot was you trying to stop me from each and every bit of strength of yours....

"Please let go of him Jungkook...i'll explain everything..."and i softened....leaving my attempt to punch...and you felt relieved and got me back on couch standing beside the handrest on my side...

"Namjoon i know you have feelings for me....and i respect that....but i...i don't feel like that about you....i saw you always as a friend....i love Jungkook....and i told him about my feeling and we are both together....i just wanted to tell you after sometime as i didn't wanted to make you sad...but it all turmed out like this..."

Namjoon hyung's jaw remained opened and his eyes started tearing up...
"Y....y/n....i...you...how.....i mean....he...he is younger small and immature....you don't deserve someone like him....i've always loved you more....i'm better for you than him...."

And at this my best reasoning left me....i stood up,held your hand and dragged you to my bedroom...

"Jungkook what are you doing....my wrist hurts....stop it...leave me....what do you want...."

I slammed the door shut and lached it locking from inside...

"Just showing him how mature and adult i am...."

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