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"Thank you Jin oppa for breakfast....now i should leave otherwise i'll get late...."

"It's pleasure to have you here and have a breakfast with you y/n ....see you...should I drop you to your hospital???"

"Ohh no Jin oppa i'll go..."

"Y/N i'm goimg that way already....Jin hyung i'm taking her with me...."Namjoon hyung inturrupted....he is again finding way to get close to you....as he had not any plan of going there....

"Ahh...alright Namjoon if you are already going....amm can you also help me getting a car here....i'm thinking lf buy a car...and I also need my licence in Korea...."

"Are you free this evening??...we can go today for your licence....and then we'll get your car when your licence will be ready...."

"Alright I'll call you when i'll be free today..."

"Ohk plan is set....now let's go..."

"Bye everyone...and thanks again for everything you all have done for me..."

"Bye Y/N...."

"Jungkook is everything alright between you and y/n....you both seemed odd...."Jimin hyumg asked when i was sitting on the couch after breakfast just scrolling my phone...

"Yes hyung everything is alright..."

"It doesn't seem like that though....you know that you can tell me everything..."

"Hyung actually...i messed up...i...on your birthday...y/n noona got drunk....i took her home....she asked me to stay...i slept there....in the morning noona was panicked as she couldn't remember anything....and i pullex a prank on her telling we had...sex that night....in middle of all chaos...i ...I TOLD HER THAT I LIKE HER.... she thought that i was playing with emotions...and told me that she needs time to figure everything out...."

"Ohh....You really messed up my boy...so what are you doing to get her confidence back??"

"What does that mean...."

"Don't tell me you are not doing anything for her .....you are sitting silently expecting that she'll figure out by herself??Jungkook you need to be there acting as catalyst to make her decision...making her like you...gi for it boy....not just sit here..."

"What should i do hyung??"

"Go after her....make her feel special..maje her feel that it's really nice to have someone there for themselves..  make her feel that you'll always hold her no matter what....just don't sit without making a move and letting it go...."

"I can understand what you wanna say hyung...i'm definateley not letting it slip this time...."

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