Chapter 4

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"Go take pictures with your fans!" I said pushing Lauren towards the group of girls screaming.

"But..I'm your fan! Take a picture with me." Lauren said as she brought her phone out.

"You're so stubborn, if I do, will you go take pictures with the girls screaming over there?" I asked and she nodded frantically.

I took a picture with Lauren as she smiled. "I'll be back," she winked as she went over to the crowd as they screamed.

"I won't." I muttered so that George only heard that as we walked away.

"What row and seats do we have?" I asked as I threw my finished banana in the garbage.

"Floor seats, up front. All the way up front, in the middle." George said as we walked through an archway and down some stairs.

"God, Steve." I muttered under my breath.

I checked my phone and saw I had a text from Dinah.

-where are ur seats dawg :))

-floor seats, MIDDLE

-spotting you out boo

I smiled that Dinah and I were good friends at the moment because she was actually really cool and nice.

We went inside the stadium and so a bunch of people already in their seats. George and I went down to the floor and waited in the front.

"Pssst. Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao!" The security guard behind the strapped barriers said as I turned around.

The guy put his shades down to the bridge of his nose and smirked at me.

"Greg? It is you, you little shit! What are you doing here?" I asked hugging him.

"Cousin got me a small job being security here and it's nice, they let me do anything here."

"Do they let you talk to the entertainment?" I asked.

"Obviously, I am talking to you." He smiled as I laughed.

Greg was the last boyfriend I had until I actually realized I was gay. Greg was really great but we felt it was more better to stay friends and it didn't feel right.

"I'm serious, do they?"

"Eh, give or take. Yeah, they do but if I go screaming fan girl crazy, I'm not allowed to." He laughed.

"Watch out for them on stage, every twenty minutes before the thing actually starts, the girls come out and takes pictures with fans that are already there so they close the barrier up there where you go in for about ten minutes so anyone who's already here, gets a picture." He commented pointing to the stage entrance from backstage.

"Lovely," I scoffed.

"Miss Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao, is Fourth Pulse your new job for you being a pap?"

"Yeah, if they weren't, I wouldn't be here." I laughed as he did as well.



"I know you. C'mon, we dated and we're best friends, I know you." He said as girls behind me started screaming.

"Geez, burst my ear drum, will ya?" I muttered.

"Who's this?" Greg asked looking at George.

"Partner. Come say hi. George!" I called out as George walked forward.

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