Chapter 25

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"You don't mean that." Lauren said as I stated at her with a sympathetic look on my face.

" I'm sorry, Lauren."

"We look at each other and there's so many emotions. Friends don't look at each other like that." Lauren said as she grabbed my hand and I pulled it away.

"We'll try again sometime else, maybe. You should just try to find someone else anyway, you deserve better. You deserve the world." I commented.

"To me, you're the world. I'm going to make this right, I'm going to get you back, Camila Cabello." Lauren said with a determined voice as I opened my mouth to speak but she put her hand over my mouth as I stared at her.

"We'll never be just friends and you know that." Lauren said as she put her hand down and walked out of my house.

Oh, how I love this girl.


That whole day I didn't see Lauren again and that was fine since she was probably getting reacquainted with people since it was her day back.

Morning came and I got up and freshened up as I then went and checked my email from my professor.


To: Camila Cabello

From: Prof

Subject: classes

This is to inform my students that I am cancelling class this whole week. Drop your drawings off before 8:30am today. No further than that, I'll be out of state. That is all.

Sincerely, Jeff


I smiled in satisfaction, I was too tired to be thinking about what I'm already going to draw next.

I grabbed my bag and put my drawing inside as I grabbed my phone and car keys, leaving the house.

Isabelle was still sleeping and I didn't feel like waking her up. I walked out as I made my way to my car and got inside of it as I set my bag down on the passenger seat.

I checked my phone and saw a text from Liz for a meet up at campus cafeteria.

I put the stick into drive as I checked my mirrors and put my seat belt on. My car door opened as someone sat inside of it.

"Again?" I asked as I stared at Lauren.

"Yep, I'm going to make my time here worthwhile. I'm going to get you back, Camila Cabello. I promise you that. So, what are we doing today?" Lauren smiled as she closed the door and put on the seat belt.

I sighed as I knew that she wouldn't possibly leave after putting on that seat belt.

"We?" I stared at her as she nodded excitedly.

"Shouldn't you spend your time with your family rather than me?" I laughed.

"They like when I bond with friends and such. They want to meet you, actually. Would that be fine?" Lauren asked as I nodded and she smiled.

I pulled out of the driveway as I made my way to the campus.

"I brought a leather jacket for you, today."

"I like them better on you."

"I know. That's why I brought it for you, so you'd be checking me out with the leather jackets that you like to see me in instead of you checking out someone else." Lauren smirked as I held back a smile.

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