Chapter 26

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I was in the mall as I walked around and went into a bookstore.

I looked around as I picked one up and skimmed through it, it didn't really interest me so I put it back as I exited the store.

I walked into a small shop as I grabbed some headphones and waited in the line that was at the cashier.

Someone tapped my shoulder as I turned around and saw a guy.

"Hey, can you say tongue boat like five times?" he asked as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Tounge boat, tongue boat, tongue b-" My words started to jumble as he smirked.

"If I can jumble your words with just a tongue twister, imagine what I can do with my actual tongue." He winked as I gave him a disgusted look.

I turned around as I saw that I was up next. I paid for my headphones as I then walked out of the store as I started to walk towards the right direction.

"Hey, sorry if that was too forward, you're just really fucking gorgeous and I didn't really know how else to approach you than to be cocky." The guy said as he jogged up to my side.

"You could've just said, "hey, you're blah blah blah!" and that could've been it."

"Okay, I'm Arch and I think you're pretty fucking gorgeous. Better?" He asked as I nodded with a smile.

"Much. I'm Camila."

"Pretty name for a pretty girl."

"Oh, flirtation won't get you anywhere." I laughed as he furrowed his eyebrows.

"You want to bet?"

"You'd lose."

"Why? Don't think I can score a girl like you? I might be a loser and a unoriginal flirtatious person but flirting can make me succeed and get me somewhere or a start to something."

"I don't swing that way, dude."

"Holy shit, seriously? We're going to be good friends." Arch said as he put an arm around my neck.

"What do you mean?"

"If I ask you if a girl is hot, will you tell me the honest truth? Whenever I ask some of my friends that are girls that they tell me they're not gay or some shit but like I didn't fucking ask them if they were gay. I asked them if they thought the girl was hot or attractive."

"HELL YEAH I WOULD." I smiled as we both high-fived each other.

"Ha, small hands." He chuckled as I glared at him.

"Okay, okay. Anyways, I was thinking movies. You?"

"Yeah, sure."


We made our way to the other side of the mall where the movies place was as he bought tickets to Dawn of the Apes and we went in line as he bought drinks and gave me a cup as I made my way over to fill it up.

I filled my cup with Pepsi as I went over to the side to grab a top for it.

"Camz?" I heard Lauren's husky voice as I turned around and saw her looking gorgeous, smiling as her friend was standing next to her.

"Laur! Hey,"

"What are you doing here?"


"You ready, Camila?" Archer asked as he put an arm around my neck once again. I saw Lauren's eyes darken as she stared at me.

"You were saying, Camila?" Lauren's cold and jealous tone came in.

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