Chapter 22

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I sat in the office chair of Cash INC nervously as I looked at the papers before me.

"Take your time, you're already here. I've signed there, all I need is your signature. I'm very glad and grateful you've decided this." Steve smiled as I sat there.

"I'll be back in a bit, check on a newbie I just hired." He excused himself as he got up and walked out of the door leaving me with the papers.

I'm already here. Why not?

I grabbed a pen and signed the first paper.

2 to go.

I grabbed the second paper and signed it.

1 left.

I finally grabbed the last paper as I stared at it for a bit.

I eyed the line where I was suppose to sign as I took a deep breath and finally exhaled.

I put my pen on the paper and started to write my name as my phone chimed. I quickly put the pen down as I checked it.

I miss you, Camz.

Should I sign the paper and make the girl I love hate me? Wait, love? No way. Yeah way. I love her.

But I also love this job. The new places I get to go, how my postcard collection started, how I even got to meet Lauren.

I have to make a choice, so I did.

I made a choice.


I got up the next morning and went to college as I saw Liz sitting on a bench, peeling a banana.

I walked over to her and plopped down next to her.

"You want some?"

Liz said as she nudged the banana towards me.

"Sure, I love banana's."

"I don't care if you bite it off or anything, I've collided with more saliva than you can think."

"Okay, ew. I didn't need to know that but I guess you have a lot of making out tongue adventures."

Liz smirked as she took off a piece and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I muttered as I consumed it.

"Why are you up so early?" I asked after I finished eating it.

"Morning person, I guess." Liz shrugged as she sat back on the bench and threw away the last of her banana peel.

She reached down and drank some of her water as she handed it to me and I waterfalled it.

"Thanks again." I smiled as I handed it to her.

"No problemo Cabello." She grinned.

"You always seem so happy in the mornings." I smiled.

"That's because I always get some before I go to sleep, duh." I playfully pushed her as she laughed.

"No, seriously, this girl was good as fuck. She wanted round two in the morning and we did, I guess that's why I'm so smiley."

"Then you told her to leave."


"You're such a player. Leaving girls in the morning." I shook my head.

"I wouldn't leave you in the morning or Jauregui. For sure." She winked as I shook my head again and let out a laugh.

"When does your class end?"

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