Bad Day???

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A/N: Hey guys! So, I've recovered from my fever and this would be my last update FOREVER! Nah, im kidding! Its just until next week cause i have my exams coming up. But dont worry, I will be updating a lot after my exams... I owe you...


You were having a really terrible day. You didn't get enough sleep last night, you got detention in school, some popular girls splashed slurpee on your shirt on purpose. Nothing was going too well. In fact, nothing was going well at all! You decided to let all your stress out by having some ice-cream in McDonald's.

You went alone, after all that shit that has happened, you thought that maybe you needed some alone time. You walked into McDonald's and ordered for a small cone ice cream. After getting your order, you walked out thinking that you shouldn't waste your time eating ice- cream at McDonald's all alone. You looked down at your ice-cream, not concentrating on where you're going, you bumped into someone and you ice-cream spread all over his shirt.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I-I I'm really sorry." you apologized as you wiped away the ice-cream from his shirt. After realising that you were actually spreading the ice cream more onto his shirt, you stopped and looked up at him. "I'm really sorry."

"That's okay. I have a spare shirt in my car. This happens a lot." the tall, cute boy said. "I'm Calum." "I'm Y/n." You shook hands with him. "Wanna have some lunch with me? I'll buy you another ice-cream." He asked. Nodding, you followed him and sat down in McD. He was kind, sweet, cute, tall and you think you're in love. You exchanged numbers before heading back to your own homes.

"I guess we'll meet next time?" He asks. "Yeah.." You answered, grinning like crazy. He made your day! What else could you ask for?


A/n: well, I guess this is goodbye for one week... U don't know how I'll live without you guys!! I'm gonna miss all you awesome penguins!

Ilysm!!! *blows kisses to you* bye :'(


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