At The Movies

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You and Calum decided to.spend you time together at the movies. Its been a while since you've seen him and he wanted to bring you out for a treat.

"What movie should we watch?" You ask him. "Annabelle." He grins. You fake smiled and nodded. You didn't really like scary movies but Calum didn't know that.

The two of you held your popcorn with some drinks in your hand as you walk up to your seats. Soon, the movie starts and you feel a little uncomfortable, the sound effect were scary as hell.

You cuddle up with Calum and hide your face in his sleeve everytime something scary happens.

"Are you okay, y/n?" He asks you, eyebrows raised. You shake your head and he smiles. "Do you like horror movies?"

You sighed and shook your head, "I get nightmares whenever I watch these movies." He chuckles lightly and hugs you, making you feel warm and safer.

"I'm here. Don't worry. " He lays a small kiss on your forehead and you smile, feeling less scared.

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