Chapter 1

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//ENJOY! This is my second fanfic, and I really hope you guys like it! Please give me any sort of feedback. I'm just so grateful to have people actually wanting to read my fanfics!//

Alana's POV:

"Alana! Hurry up the taxi's leaving!" Mum yells to me from downstairs.

I look around my now empty bedroom, it's stripped of all it's music posters and photos of friends. I grab my backpack and quickly through a pair of black vans on before running down the stairs and towards the front door.

"Maddie said her and Brody were going to meet us at the airport to say goodbye." I tell my mum as she locks the front door behind us.

Maddie and Brody are my two best friends, we've basically known each other since kindergarten and have been inseparable since. We do absolutely everything together, and it's going to hurt like hell not having them around me.

"That's good. I'm so happy that you finally get to meet Gary." Mum tells me referring to her new boyfriend.

They met through mutual friends and have been dating for around 6 months. Mum got offered a job promotion in Sydney and when Gary found out he insisted on her moving in with him.

"I can't wait to finally meet this man you are so in love with." I say as we get in the taxi and head towards the airport.


"Where are you guys?" I ask Maddie who's on the phone as Mum pays the taxi driver.

"At Starbucks. Meet us there?" Maddie replies.

"On our way." I reply before hanging up the phone.

"It's going to be great to get out of this crowded city and start a brand new life isn't Larns?" Mum says.

Larns is my nickname.

"But I like my school and all my friends." I sigh.

"I know, you'll still be able to go visit them though." She replies trying to see a bright side.

We arrive at Starbucks and spot Maddie and Brody.

"Hey girls." Mum says giving them both a hug.

"Hey Bell." They both reply.

"I'm going to go check us in. I'll meet you back here." Mum says before disappearing into the crowd.

"I'm going to miss you two so much." I sigh sitting down on at a table as the girls join me.

"Yeah, it's going to be weird here without you but we will defiantly come down and visit you like every weekend." Maddie says taking a sip from her drink.

"I'll hold you to that." I joke as Mum comes over to us.

"Our flight is early. They're already calling for us to board." Mum says sounding flustered.

"So we have to leave now?" I ask Mum.

"Yep." Mum replies.

"Well I guess this is goodbye." I say turning back to Maddie and Brody as a wave of sadness washed over me.

"I'll miss you." Maddie says embracing me in a hug.

"I'll miss you too Mads." I say hugging her back before walking over to Brody.

"See ya Brods, miss you heaps." I say getting a little teary.

"Aw don't cry." She replies wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"I'm going to miss you guys so much." I cry as I start lose it.

I've always been the kind of person that when times are tough I'll either break down in tears or show no emotion at all.

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