Chapter 12

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Alana's POV:

"Goooodmorrrrrning." I hear Luke sing as he jumps on top of me.

"Luke, get off. You're squashing me." I groan slightly still trying to wake up.

"Aww, I'm sorry." He replies cutely, rolling off me so he's laying next to me.

"We've got school tomorrow." I sigh remembering that we'll be back in the hell hole.

"Stop being so negative. We've got all of today." He smile dragging me out of bed by my hands and pulling me downstairs into the kitchen.

I love how he always finds the positives in things and there's never a dull moment either. Because he's so hyperactive and such a big kid we are never bored.

"I made you breakfast!" He yells a little to loud for a morning.

I look up and find pancakes, ice cream and strawberries.

"Aw, you big cutie." I smile poking his dimple as I walk in.

"Yum! Who made pancakes." Liz says smelling pancakes as she walks into the kitchen.

"Mum, no. They're all for Alana." Luke says making Liz jump.

"Let your Mum have some." I tell him as he does what I say, serving his Mum some breakfast.

"Did you make this Luke?" Liz asks sounding surprised.

"Surely did! Even got up early." He replies proudly with a cute smile on his face.

"You've never made me pancakes." Liz pouts jokingly.

"It's because you aren't my girlfriend." He tells Liz as he places a kiss on my cheek not only surprising me but Liz also.

"Wait what? Did I hear that right?" Liz says surprised.

A massive smile grows on my face as Luke nods.

"Aww, I've finally got a daughter!" She says happily as she gives me a huge hug.

"Aw Liz." I reply hugging her back as I laugh softly at how sweet she is.

She pulls away from our hug and gives me a smile before hugging Luke.

"Well I'm off, you two behave and I'll see you later." She tells us as she grabs her car keys off the kitchen bench and walks towards the front door.

I sit down and start eating as Luke joins me.

"This is so good Luke." I say with a mouth full of food.

"Thanks, I got up early just for you." He smiles making me blush.

We continue eating and talking about random stuff when I start feeling a little sick again.

"I'm gonna have a shower if that's alright?" I ask randomly, making Luke's head shoots up.

"Um, yeah sure." He replies a little uncertain of what just happened.

"Thanks." I tell him, grabbing a towel and heading up to the bathroom.

I turn on the water, allowing it to heat up as I get undressed. I point my toes under the water making sure it's warm enough. I step under the warm water as it runs over my body, instantly relieving my sickness. I crouch down so I'm sitting on the ground with my knees tucked up to my chest. After a good 15 minutes I turn the water off and get changed back into some of Luke's baggy cloths. I dry my hair as I walk to the lounge room, flopping myself down on the lounge and grabbing a blanket.

"Why are you in here?" Luke asks walking in and sitting down beside me.

"I don't feel well." I reply, glancing up at him.

"I see you've helped yourself to my wardrobe." He giggles as he places his hand down on my knee.

"Yeah sorry." I reply softly.

"So do you want to do something." He asks hoping.

"Not really, sorry. I sort of want to stay here." I tell him as I curl up into my blanket more.

"That's fine with me." He says with a smile as he gets up and puts on a movie.

"Thanks Luke." I tell him.

"For what?" He asks as he joins me back on the lounge this time slotting in behind me and cuddling me.

"For just lazing around with boring me. I'm so sorry I'm sick." I admit feeling bad.

"No don't be sorry, you can help it and besides I like being lazy." He tells me.

"We are still going out to Max Brenner's tonight aren't we?" I ask suddenly remembering what we'd agreed on.

"Yeah, that's if you're feeling well enough." He says placing a gentle kiss on my forehead.

"I will be, I promise." I reply, snuggling into his warm body which makes me feel slightly better.


"Alana, wake up." I hear Luke call softly.

"Alana?" He calls again as I open my eyes to see him sitting on the coffee table facing me.

"Hey." I reply in a tired voice.

"How you feeling?" He asks me cutely.

"I'm ok. What's the time?" I ask still trying to wake up.

"It's almost 7." He replies as he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Shit! Luke you should've woken me up." I say feeling bad that I've been asleep for so long.

"You needed some sleep and plus you're a cute sleeper." He admits with a smile.

"Were you watching me sleep?" I ask giggling a little.

"Maybe I was? Mum said once you wake up you should take a some pain relief, it might help." He tells me handing me some water and two tablets.

"Thanks." I say taking them from him and placing them in my mouth before swallowing them.

"Are you still good for tonight?" He asks concerned.

"Yeah, I should probably go home and get some decent cloths on though." I say looking down at what I wearing.

"Are you saying I've got bad taste?" He replies referring to his cloths I'm wearing.

"No, it's just that trackies aren't very good for a date. I'd look homeless." I say giggling.

"You could wear a garbage bag and still look hot." He admits making me blush slightly.

"Well I'll see you soon Mr Hemmings." I tell him getting up off the lounge, giving him a hug and a kiss before leaving.

I rush home and jump through my window. I grab a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a black singlet shirt with a cardigan and my black vans. I put my hair in a high pony tail and put some perfume on before walking out to the kitchen.

"Hey darl." Mum says greeting my with a hug.

"Hey Mum." I reply as I grab an apple off the bench.

"How you been?" She asks.

"Yeah good, you?" I reply with a question.

"Great! Garry and I have locked in a date for our wedding it's 3 weeks from now." She tells my happily as I almost chock on my food.

"What!? Don't you feel like that's a little too soon?" I ask still coughing.

"No, well when you love someone it's hard not to I guess." She says almost making me gag as all I want to do it tell her what the true Gary is like.

"Ok, well I'm going out. I'll see you tomorrow Mum." I say giving her a kiss and walking out the front door.

"Bye darl." She calls back.

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