Chapter 6

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Alana's POV:

"You agreed you'd tell your Mum." Luke says closing the front door as the boys leave.

"I changed my mind." I reply uneasily.

"She needs to know Alana. You can't go back there with Gary acting like a complete ass." Luke tells me, I know his annoyed that I won't tell her but I can't see her hurt.

"Luke, please don't." I stutter out getting a little upset at his raised voice.

"Listen to me." He says raising my chin with a finger so my eyes come on contact with his. "It's going to be ok, I'll be right beside you the whole time."

"Thank you." I almost whisper, giving him a half smile.

"Let's get going then." He says returning the smile.

I follow Luke out the door and out onto the road. The short walk to Gary's finds me here quicker than I wanted. Luke knocks on the door and stands back.

"Alana." Mum says happily opening the front door pulling me into a hug.

"Hey Mum." I reply softly.

She pulls out of the hug and looks up at Luke.

"Oh Mum, this is Luke." I tell her awkwardly.

"Nice to meet you Mrs North." He smiles shaking my Mum's hand softly.

"I won't be for too much longer." She smirks holding out her left hand as my eyes catch a shiny ring.

"Is that?" I question in shock.

"Yep. Gary asked me last night! How exciting?" She replies almost jumping up and down.

I glance over at Luke who gives me 'tell her why we're here look' but I just stand there awkwardly.

"So why are you home so early, I though you'd still be asleep?" Mum questions inviting us inside.

"I just came home to grab some cloths, I'm staying out tonight as well." I say walking towards my bedroom as Luke follows.

I get in my room and start shoving cloths into a backpack.

"What the hell?" Luke half whispers half shouts as he closes the bedroom door behind me.

"Shut up. I know what you're going to say and I don't want to hear it." I snap.

"You need to tell her." He replies flopping down on my bed.

"I can't. She's finally happy." I sigh sitting down next to him, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"She might be but you aren't." He says caring.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." I smile up at him.

"I do worry about you though." He sighs.

I hear the front door slam shut and hear heavy footsteps trail down the hall getting closer and louder.

"Gary's home." I whisper panicked as I lock my bedroom door before shooing Luke towards my window, unlocking and opening it as he climbs out of it.

"Open your door now!" I hear Gary yell from the other side as he bangs on the door.

"Go." I whisper to Luke.

"Open up!" Gary yells.

"One minute." I reply freaking out trying to think of an excuse.

"No now!" He demands as an idea pop into my head.

"Coming." I reply as I unlock the door.

He opens the door as I play with the zipper on my pants.

"Don't ever lock your room again." He demands.

"I was getting dressed Gary, can't I have a little privacy?" I ask.

"No, you do as I tell you and shut up about it." He tells me.

"What ever now get out. I'm trying to do my homework." I say.

He finally leaves and I close my door behind him before rushing back over to the window.

"Go home. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I tell Luke who's been hiding under my window the whole time.

"What's your number? So I can at least call you." He half begs me.

I rush over to my desk grabbing a pen before writing my number down on his arm.

"I'll call you." He winks with a slight giggle as I laugh in return shaking my head at how cute he is.

"I'll be waiting." I reply before closing my window.

The rest of the day I just laid around in my room and watched movies, trying to avoid Gary. I can't believe that my Mum is actually marrying that monster.


I have a shower then eat dinner in my room not wanting to have to deal with any of the people in this house. I climb into bed and hear my phone buzz.

"Hello?" I ask into the phone.

"How are you?" Luke's voice says as it rings through the phone.

"Yeah I'm fine." I sigh.

"Is that I'm actually fine or I'm girl fine?" He asks making me giggle.

"A bit of both to be honest." I reply smiling.

"I hope everything's ok?" He questions.

"It will be." I yawn.

"You tired?" He asks and I can't help but smile at his cuteness and how much he cares.

"Yeah a bit." I reply.

"I'll let you get some sleep than." He says softly.

"Thank you. Goodnight Luke." I reply.

"Goodnight beautiful." He says before hanging up.

My stomach erupts in butterflies as soon as the call ends. This boy makes me feel so important and perfect, I've never had anyone like this in my life before. I drift off to sleep with a big smile on my face as those last two words echo through my head.


I'm awoken around 2am in an almost panic as I feel a warm presence next to me.

"You shouldn't leave your window unlocked." The familiar husky voice whispers in my ear as I relax.

"You shouldn't be breaking into people's houses. It's illegal you know?" I joke as I cuddle into Luke's chest.

"I can leave if you really want?" He teases.

"I'd rather you stay." I reply.

"Good, me too." He whispers into my neck sending warm shivers around my body.

"You need to leave before the morning, if you don't Gary will find out." I say seriously.

"Don't you worry about that ok. I'll leave once you fall asleep." He says softly making those butterflies come back.

"Thank you Luke." I add quickly.

"For what?" He questions confused.

"For being hear for me and caring about me." I say softly as I run my thumb and pointer finger along the hem of his shirt.

"It's my pleasure, I just want you to be safe." He admits.

"Goodnight." I yawn.

"Nighty night." He replies.

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