Chapter 4

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Alana's POV:

We walk inside and head into the kitchen as Luke gets me a drink of water.

"You should call your Mum, let her now you are safe." Liz tells me.

I nob in reply and dial my Mum's number.

"Hello?" I ask as someone picks up the phone.

"Look who it is." Gary's voice rings through the phone making me freeze.

I think Luke realises who's on the phone by how awkward and scared I look because he keeps smiling and mouthing are you ok.

"Gary, where's Mum?" I say firmly.

"She's at work. Where the hell are you? If you're at Luke's I'm going to hit your Mum when she gets home." Gary replies angrily.

My eyes brim with tears as I look up at Luke giving him a fake, half smile. He reaches across the table rubbing my arms reassuring me that it's going to be ok, but I know it's not.

"Can you get her to call me back when she gets home?" I ask in almost a whisper.

"Answer my question, where are you?" Gary says angrily and I jump at his voice.

"I'm at Nicole's." I lie.

"You better be you slut." He yells before hanging up the phone.

I sit there in shock for a few seconds before Luke snaps me out of it.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"Yeah. Fine." I lie getting up and walking away from him, not looking him in the eyes.

I take a seat on lounge and play a couple of games on my phone before Luke comes in and joins me.

"Is everything alright?" He asks again.

"Can you stop asking me that!" I snap before regretting every word.

"Sorry." He replies sounding a little cut.

"No I'm sorry. I'm just scared and stressed." I admit.

"Yeah I know, you're safe now though and Mum said you can stay here as long as you want." He adds with a smile.

"Your Mum is the best." I reply, returning the smile.

"So where's your Dad?" I question.

"He works a lot and usually works night shifts so he sleeps most days." Luke tells me.

"Oh. I feel like I barely know." I say pausing.

"It's because you don't." Luke laughs.

"Yeah I know that but why are you so nice to me when you barely know me." I ask confused.

"I honestly don't know. You just seem different." He says softly.

"Are you calling me weird?" I reply jokingly as I gasp.

"What's wrong with weird? It's just I like you, you seem cool." He replies quickly.

"Thanks man, I like you too." I say laughing.

"You do?" He asks almost hopefully.

"Yeah you're a good friend." I smile back.

He's face drops at my reply and he seems almost upset. I feel bad but I don't know why he acted like that. We sit there awkwardly for a couple of minutes until Liz walks into the room.

"I've just been called in for a meeting at school. I won't be home until late tonight so behave you two. Oh and dinners in the oven, it's ready when you are." Liz says rushing out the door.

"Are you sure it's alright for me to stay?" I ask not wanting to be a nuisance.

"Yeah of course. Are you hungry?" He replies snapping out of his awkwardness.

"I'm always hungry." I say jumping up off the lounge and following him into the kitchen.

Luke pulls out a lasagne from the oven making the smell fill the room which makes me even hungrier.

"That smells amazing, your Mum is the best cook." I say amazed as I find the plates and forks.

"Yeah she's pretty good." Luke replies serving up the lasagne on our plates.

We both sit down and start eating in silence. That's the thing I like about Luke it's never too awkward and if we don't talk it's not a big deal. We exchange glances a couple of times whilst eating but that's about it. After dinner we clean up and watch some movies.

"I think I'm ready for bed." I yawn as the movie ends.

"Yeah me two. Come on." Luke says turning off the tv as I follow him towards his bedroom.

"Hey Luke, can I please borrow some cloths? Sleeping in jeans isn't all that comfortable." I ask pulling at my jeans.

"Yeah, of course. I don't think you'll fit Mum's cloths because you're tiny but I'll get you some of mine." He says as he walks over to his cupboard and searches through them.

I take a seat on his bed watching as he searches for some cloths. Finally he stops and pulls out a pair of grey track suit pants and a super man t-shirt.

"These are the smallest cloths I could find." He tells me handing me the cloths before taking a step back looking at me awkwardly.

"Can you please turn around?" I ask as he quickly spins on his heels and looks the other way.

I get changed and the pants are massive so I roll them up and the t-shirt is huge and comes down almost to my knees.

"Ok I'm dressed." I reply making Luke turn back around as a smile grows on his face.

"Looks good." He smirks.

"Really? I feel like I'm wearing a parachute." I say laughing which makes him laugh also.

"Well it doesn't look like it. You make a good superman." He smiles pointing to the t-shirt.

"Thanks. Sorry for stealing your cloths." I admit feelings a little bad.

"No don't be silly, they look better on you anyway." He smiles.

"So wheres my bed?" I ask looking around the room.

"We are actually sharing, if that's ok? The only other bed in the house is Mum and Dad's. I mean we can put pillows and stuff between us if you want." Luke says nervously, scratching the back of his head.

"No, it's fine. I'm used to sharing." I say walking over to Luke's bed and getting under the covers.

He goes into the bathroom and comes out in his pyjama pants and no shirt. I must admit he looks pretty great without a shirt on. I can't help but look over at his body as he makes his way to bed.

"Sorry, I can't sleep with a shirt on." He tells me getting under the covers and turning off the light.

"It's ok." I reply awkwardly trying not to stare.

"Well goodnight Alana." He says.

"Night Luke." I reply.

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