Chapter 19

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Alana's POV:

"Honey, why didn't you tell me." Mum says standing up and rushing over, embracing me in a hug.

"I was scared." I whisper so only she can hear.

"Well you don't need to be scared anymore. We are all here to help you." She tells me honestly as I look around the room at all the support I have.

"Come and have a seat Alana." Snowy tells me as I join her at the table, mum sits next to me and Luke stands behind me.

"We just wanted to talk to your Mum and let her know exactly what's happening." Snowy says as I nod in reply.

"You should've told me darl." Mum insists, making me feel uncomfortable.

"It's alright, we don't need to worry about that now." Snowy interrupts us.

At that moment Liz walks into the room standing back by the door at first.

"May I?" She asks.

"Come take a seat." Snowy says waving to a spare chair.

"I really want to thank you so much for protecting my daughter." Mum says to Liz.

"No problem at all. You should be proud of yourself, you've raised her well." Liz replies to Mum.

"Thank you." Mum says softly.

Snowy, Mum and Liz talk for agers about everything that's happened. I stand back a little and stay quiet because I don't feel comfortable in this house at all. I think I hear a car pull up outside but ignore it until I hear loud, fast footsteps on the front deck. The door flies open as the footsteps grow closer.

"You little slut! You're gonna die!" Gary yells making me jump into Luke's arms in fear.

Both the police officers stand instantly to their feet as Luke hold me tight, facing me away from the door.

"Why did you tell them?" He yells as he lays eyes on me making me jump.

"I didn't I swear." I reply quietly.

"Then why the hell are the police here? I'm gonna hit you so hard!" He yells with anger and he raises his fist and starts walking towards me.

Luke instinctively uses himself as a shield and turns me away from Gary while the two police men step in and put Gary in handcuffs.

"Gary, what are you talking about?" Mum asks shocked as she stands frozen.

"Shut up bitch, don't act like you don't know." Gary yells to Mum, making her instantly tear up.

I look around the room at the chaos I've created and it makes me feel absolutely horrible. As the two police men escort Gary out and into the police car Snowy stays with us to make sure we're ok and to find out what just happened. I force myself out of Luke's grip and quietly walk towards my bedroom of which I haven't been to in agers. Closing my bedroom door behind me I run my fingers through my hair from all the stress as I lean up against the door.

"Alana?" I hear Luke call from outside my door.

"Go away." I tell him harshly.

"Babe please let me in." He begs.

I finally move away from the door to let him in and he opens it slowly making sure not I'm not in the way.

"I told your Mum and the police officer what Gary was talking about and what he did." Luke says quietly as he sits down next to me.

"Are you serious? He's literally going to kill me." I reply, angry that he'd tell them.

"What's your problem? They only want to help you and so do I!" He tells me raising his voice which shocks me.

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