Chapter 14

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//sorry for the short one will be way longer I promise. Please keep voting and commenting it really helps me out a lot!xx//

Alana's POV:

"Hey daughts, I thought you were staying at Luke's?" Mum asks me as I walk through the front door and towards the direction of my bedroom.

"Yeah, me too." I reply wiping my eyes and sniffling.

I get to my bedroom and slam the door, leaning up against it and falling to the floor. I can't believe the boys would say that about me. I know Luke stood up for me but he didn't disagree with them and I know he wanted to go with them.

"Alana?" Mum asks knocking on my bedroom door.

"Go away." I cry.

"Please let me in." She asks as I move away from the door allowing her to come in.

"What happened?" She asks, kneeling down next to me.

"It was nothing, I promise." I reply.

"If it's anything to do with Luke you should talk to Chloe because Gary said they're good friends." She tells me oblivious.

"It's fine Mum, don't worry." I lie to her.

"I hope so. I've got a late shift again so I need to get to work. Gary will be home later with the other kids and dinner." She tells me.

"Great." I sigh.

"Give the guy a break please." She begs.

"Whatever." I reply just wanting this conversation to end.

As soon as I hear her car pull out of the drive way I grab a backpack and shove it full of cloths, toiletries and a phone charger before jumping out my window and walking down the street to god only knows where. I stop by a food stand and grab a cup of hot chips and a lemonade then sit down on a park bench.

"Fancy seeing you here." A voice calls as I turn around to meet their eyes only to be face to face with Jay.

I ignore him at first but that doesn't work because he just sits down beside me. I stand up still ignoring him as I walk in the opposite direction. I walk past a brick wall as he catches me and he pushes my up against the wall, pinning me there with his own body as my food goes flying.

"Leave me alone." I spit.

"Your little boyfriend won't save you this time." He threatens which sends shivers up my spin.

"Please don't." I plead as he takes my phone from my back pocket and tosses it aside as he plants a hurtful kiss on my neck, making me whimper.

"Shut up." He demands pushing me harder up against the wall as he fumbles with my jeans.

I cry silently as I watch the events unfold almost as if it's a movie and I'm the audience, I just want to scream out but no matter what I say or feel it won't change anything. He continues to kiss my neck and attempt to undo my cloths but I continue to move and fidget so he can't.

"Stay still or I'll slit your throat." He orders and I feel a cold, sharp blade press to my neck.

I whimper at first as I can feel the knife cut my neck only slightly but enough to cause pain. He keeps hushing me and making me stay still as I cry harder. All I want is for Luke to come and save me but I know that's never going to happen. Jay manages to get my pants zipper undone as I feel his cold hands on my area. I jump and try to get him off but he just pressed the blade tighter to my neck.

"Yuck. You dirty bitch." He says disgusted as he pulls his hand out and stares at the blood from my period.

I'm so thankful right now that I've got my period and it actually stopped him. He drops his knife and pushes me to the ground before walking away swearing to himself. I sit there shaking and crying hysterically for a while before an old lady comes up to me.

"Are you ok dear?" She asks softly.

My head shoots up and I give her a shock at my quick actions. My body is still shaking but I manage to stand up, collect my things and run off back home. I've never ran so fast nor have I felt so scared. As I reach my house I look up at the driveway to find Gary's car, remembering that Mum's not home I've no other choice but go to Luke's.

I stumble up to their front door still shaking and crying as I knock loudly praying for someone to answer. I hear footsteps approach before the door opens, revealing Liz.

"Is Luke home?" I ask shakily, forgetting about the fight we had earlier.

"No he's still with the boys." She replies before realising the state I'm in.

"God honey, what happened?" She asks worried as she clutches my face in her hands.

"I-I..." I go to tell her what happened but can't as I almost fall to the ground, luckily she catches me.

"Come inside." She tells me as she practically carries me inside.

She sits me down on the lounge gives me the biggest hug ever. I'm still shaking and scared and I've got no idea what to do.

"When will Luke be home?" I stutter out.

"He'll be home anytime now." She reassures me as she rubs my shoulders.

"What happened darl?" She asks referring to the events that happened tonight.

"J-jay." I mumble.

"Sweetheart I'm so sorry." She tells me realising exactly what he tried to do as she pulls me into another hug.

We sit there for a while until we hear the door open and footsteps coming towards the lounge room. Luke and the three boys appear in the door way as my eyes shoot up at them all.

"Alana?" Luke asks shocked, wanting to know what's wrong.

"Luke." I reply bursting into tears as I let go of Liz and run towards Luke crying hysterically with my arms out.

I run into his chest and he holds me tightly and I do the same, scared that if I let go I won't be safe anymore. I shut my eyes tightly as I feel warm tears run down my face and land on his shirt.

"Alana, talk to me. What happened?" Luke asks panicked as he pulls my hair out of my face, looking into my eyes.

I just look up at him and shake my head in disbelief of the whole night.

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