Chapter 24

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Alana's POV:

We pull into our old driveway on dark. As the car shuts off and the headlights turn off we are left in darkness. I switch my phone torch on and grab one of my suitcases out of the back, taking it up to my bedroom. My eyes are still heavy from tears making me feel tired so I kick off my shoes and grab Luke's shirt putting it on before I climb into my old bed. It's emptiness and lack of Luke being present makes me feel even worse. I hold the shirt to my nose as his cologne fills the room making me feel slightly better. Just as I'm finally drifting off to sleep my phone starts ringing, I stumble across the room to get it and pick up just before it rings out.

"Hey." I also sigh into the phone.

"Hey beautiful, how was the trip?" He asks me sounding just as upset as I am.

"Long. How do as your day?" I ask.

"It's was pretty shit. We had a writing session in the studio, that's about all." He tells me.

"How'd that go?" I question trying to make some conversation just to hear his voice.

"It went alright, I started writing a song." He tells me.

"What's it about?" I wonder as I crawl back into bed.

"You." He almost whispers.

"Aw Luke." I smile through the tears that have started to fall.

"It's not finished yet but when it is I'll sing it to you, I promise." He says sweetly as he yawns.

"That would be great. You sound tired, I'll let you go." I tell him.

"Nah, I'm fine. I would rather talk to you." He says.

"I'm wearing you shirt." I say trying to make conversation.

"Are you really?" He asks sounding almost excited.

"Yep." I reply popping the 'p'.

"I already miss you so much." He tells me sounding upset.

"Me too." I sigh as I start to drift off to sleep but try my best to stay away.

"You sound tired babe. I should let you go." He suggests.

"Call me tomorrow?" I ask.

"Yeah of course." He replies with a yawn.

"Ok then. Goodnight Luke." I say feeling slightly sad he isn't here with me.

"Goodnight beautiful. I love you heaps." He tells me making a kissing sound.

"Love you back." I reply before hanging up and feeling instantly empty.

I put my phone one the bedside table and snuggle into bed. I smile down at Luke's shirt and manage to hold back the tears as I slowly fall asleep.


"So have you heard from him lately?" Maddie asks me as we walk down the hall towards our lockers.

"No, he hasn't called for a few weeks." I sigh putting my Maths and English text books into my locker.

"You said he's getting really busy now though, he probably doesn't have much time." Brody suggests trying to make me feel slightly better.

"It only takes five minutes to either call or send me a text." I reply as we walk out of school.

"Have you tried to call first?" Brody asks.

"Yeah and he didn't answer." I tell her as we around the corner to the general store where we get an ice cream each.

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