Chapter 16

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Alana's POV:

I roll over in bed as I feel Luke stir knowing his now awake. He's eyes sleepily open and he gives me a smile and a kiss of the forehead.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks me in his husky morning voice that deeper than usual.

"I didn't." I reply with a yawn.

"You should've told me I would've stay up with you." He tells me but I know he's been just as tired and stressed as me lately.

"It's ok, plus it was cute listening to you snore." I joke, placing my hands on his warm, bare chest.

"I can promise you that listening to me snore is far from cute." He replies with a laugh.

"Well I found it cute." I tell him blushing slightly.

"Well you're weird." He says poking my nose with his finger.

"Coming from you." I reply giggling lightly.

"I'm not weird I'm punk rock. Now let's go get some breakfast." He insists pulling me out of bed with him.

"You keep telling yourself that." I joke back as we walk hand in hand downstairs to the kitchen.


"Good morning you two." Liz greets us.

"Morning Liz." I reply.

"Hey Mum." Luke answers her.

"I made you two some breakfast so enjoy." She tells us placing a whole bunch of fruit, scrambles eggs and bacon along with two banana smoothies down in front of us.

"Liz you didn't have to." I smile giving her a hug, thankful.

"Don't be silly. I wanted to and you deserve it." She smiles giving me a kiss on the top of my head.

"Mum! Shit! Why didn't you tell us it was already 10am? We've got to get to school." Luke says in a panic.

"Luke settle down, I've called the school and explained it all to them. They've giving you both the week off." She says making me heart jump.

"Y-y told the school?" I ask worried.

"I just said that you both have had a lot going on and would be better off at home." She answers making me want to give her a massive hug.

"Thank you so much Liz, for everything." I tell her with a hug.

"There's just one condition." She insists.

"Yeah?" I ask unsure of what she's getting at.

"Tomorrow you go down to the police station and fill out a report." She tells me.

"I can't." I shake my head feeling uncomfortable.

"You don't need to worry sweetie. Luke and I will come down with you and we won't leave your side." She replies giving me another hug.

"O-ok." I stutter out not sure whether to be thankful or scared.

"I need to get to work but I'll be back around 5pm. Love you both." She says checking the time before giving us both a hug goodbye.

"We should eat." I suggest quietly, wanting to avoid the previous topic.

"Sounds good." Luke replies softly giving me a hug, I can sense that he's trying to keep calm for my sake.

We eat in silence as I think about ways and reasons to cancel this report I'll need to fill out and I can tell that Luke isn't talking because he just wants me to have some space.

"You done?" He asks after we finish eating.

"Yeah." I reply quietly not looking up at him.

He takes my plate and washes it up as I sit there in silence. Once he's finished cleaning up he turns around and faces me, giving me a reassuring smile.

"Want to go watch a movie?" He asks me kindly.

I give him a half smile and hold my hands up for him to grab. We walk into the lounge room and he puts on the movie Boot Camp because Liz rented it from the video shop the other day and neither of us has seen it. Luke plays the movie and takes a seat next to me, wrapping his arms around me holding me close. The movie is really good until about half way through when a girl starts to get raped by one of the camp leaders.

"I-I can't watch this." I stumble out standing up and walking towards Luke's room.

I hear Luke behind me turn off the television and follow me towards his bedroom. By the time he catches me I'm at his bedroom door.

"I'm so sorry Alana. If I knew I wouldn't have put it on." He tells me but I don't want to turn around because I don't want him to see me upset yet again.

"Alana. I'm sorry." He pleads again making my break.

"Don't be sorry ok. It's not your fault, it's mine." I snap turning around to face him.

"It's not your fault please don't ever say that again. You are hurting and that's why you need to go talk to someone, the police." He insists staying calm.

"I don't want to talk to the police!" I yell, feeling immediately bad for doing so.

"Alana, please. It will be for the best." He replies and I know he's just trying to help me but it's honestly the last thing I'd want to do.

"It's hard Luke. You don't understand." I say tearing up.

"Well please talk to me so I do." He tells me softly as he walk up to me. Grabbing my hands and looking into my eyes, letting me know he actually cares.

"I don't want to talk about it, it's embarrassing." I sigh looking back up at him.

"Babe, you've got nothing to be embarrassed about alright? I want to help. Please." He says whispering the last word.

"I can't." I sigh as I drop his hands and take a step closer to him, wrapping my arms around his torso as I burry my face into his chest inhaling his cologne.

He hugs me back even tighter as I feel his chest rise and fall with each of his breaths. I drop my arms as he let's go as well and I start to walk away.

"Where are you going?" He asks almost worried.

"Bathroom. Wanna come?" I ask sarcastically as I here him laugh at my comment.

I walk into the bathroom and look into the mirror as my blood shot eyes and tired bags beneath them. I sigh at my reflection as I splash some water on my face and brush my hair quickly before tying it up. I walk back out into the hall way where Luke's waiting for me.

Save Me || Luke Hemmings ||Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora