Chapter 25

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Alana's POV:

"Babe I'm sorry. I can't come up and see you this weekend we've got a meeting with management and all that for the upcoming tour." Luke tells me though the phone as I can't believe what I'm hearing.

"But Luke, it's my birthday tomorrow and you promised me." I reply gutted as I start to cry.

"Please don't cry." He says and I wish he was here to cuddle me, to wipe my tears and tell me that everything will be alright.

"Luke, it's just... I don't know, it sucks." I sigh as I sniffle and wipe away my tears.

"I know." He replies.

"I should go to bed, because I need to get up early and open my presents and stuff." I say trying to make him feel bad.

"I'm so sorry Alana." He tells me.

"I know, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't of said that." I admit feeling bad.

"I'll call you tomorrow morning alright." He says.

"Ok, goodnight Luke." I reply.

"Goodnight beautiful, love you to the moon." He says.

"And back." I reply finishing off the sentence which as corny as it sounds has kind of become our saying.


"Happy birthday Alana!" Brody yells as her, Maddie and a few other friends start jumping up and down on my bed waking me up.

I open my eyes as they pop party poppers and throw balloons everywhere laughing.

"Thanks guys." I reply not really in the mood because of how much I'm missing Luke.

"Why so sad?" Maddie asks sitting down next to me.

"It's nothing, Luke just can't come up this weekend because of the band." I reply making her pout.

"I'm sorry to hear that but we don't need boys today to have fun." She tells me.

"Group hug!" Taylor yells as everyone jumps on me giving me a massive hug instantly cheering my mood.

All day I sit by my phone, constantly checking it for a call from Luke which never comes. It's a crappy birthday because inside I'm just wanting to break down but I'm keeping it together on the outside so that my friends won't over react about the whole situation like they usually do. By the afternoon I think they're all starting to pick up on my depressing mood because I've been pretty quiet the whole day which isn't like me. I hear a phone ring and immediately scramble to find mine but am sadly disappointed when Maddie reached for hers and answers it.

"Hey." She answers the phone sounding slightly excited.

"Yeah, sure are." She replies to who ever she's talking to as Brody sits next to me with a massive smile on her face looking over at Maddie.

"Ok, see you soon." She says before hanging the phone back up.

Right at that moment I swear I here a car pull up but just ignore it because it's probably one of the girls Mum's coming to get them.

"Alright, who's ready for a game?" Maddie asks jumping out of her seat.

A bunch of cheers and squeals are heard as the girls rush over to where Maddie is know standing.

"Ok, it's like pin the tail on the donkey but with a slight twist. The aim of the game is to put on the blindfold then the lipstick, you get spun around 5 times and then you've got to try kiss the poster." She tells us pinning up a poster of Channing Tatum.

Sarah, Taylor and Brody go before me. I finally give into the girls and stand up to have my turn. Maddie puts the blind fold on me as I put on the lipstick. While she spins me around I hear a couple of gasps and giggles but just assume it's because of the horrible job I did putting on my lipstick.

"Now, I'm going to walk you up to the sign." Maddie tells me.

"Ok." I reply trying to steady my dizzy self.

"Lean in and kiss." She orders as she takes a step back.

I do as she says leaning in to find the poster but I am greeted with something completely different. I know exactly what it is as soon as my lip come in contact with the warmth with the sudden burn of cold metal. My arms instantly find his neck as he's fall around my waist pulling my closer. He reaches up and unties my blind fold as my eyes open to the most beautiful site ever. I pull back because I feel as if we are being watched by every single girl in the room. A single tear escapes my eye as I look up into Luke's blue eyes.

"Don't be sad." Luke tells me kissing away my tear.

"It's tears of happiness." I reply with a massive smile as I almost throw myself into his arms getting one of those famous Luke Hemmings hug.

"That's good then." He replies giving me another peck on the lips before grabbing a hold of my waist and turning back to face the other girls who have fallen silent in awe because he's become pretty well known lately.

"Did you guys organise this?" I ask Maddie and Brody as they stand there smiling evilly.

"Yep." Maddie replies grinning widely.

"Well I have to say, it's the best birthday present yet." I tell them glancing up at Luke giving him a smile.

"Aw really? My photo album of all the beautiful photos of us are way better than him." Brody jokes as my mind flashes back to the photo album she made with all the ugly, stupid photos we've ever taken together.

"It comes closes." I reply.

"Aw come on, I'm better than a photo album." Luke wines sarcastically.

"Anyway, who wants dinner?" Poppy asks changing the subject.

"Thought you guys would never ask, I'm starving." Luke says making her giggle and blush.

"You are always hungry you idiot." I tell him as we all walk over to the table.

"Aw, and I thought you'd be nice to me since you haven't seen me in agers." He replies as I punch his arm playfully.

We all sit down and serve up our dinner before tucking into it. After dinner I open a few more presents from the girls before we all help clean up. The girls leave around 10:30pm leaving Luke and I to finally be alone.

"I've finally got you all to myself." Luke smirks pulling me in by the waist as I close my bedroom door behind us.

"Finally." I reply happily as I wrap my arms around his neck bringing us even closer.

"I still haven't given you, my present yet." He replies with a wink as he places kisses on my lips before trailing them down my neck.

"Luke." I half moan trying to get his attention.

"Yeah babe." He replies unbuttoning my shirt as his hands creep under it groping my breasts.

"Luke stop." I say firmly making him pull back quickly.

"What's wrong?" He asks a little worried.

"It's... Um... I've got my you know." I reply making him sigh heavily.

"I knew it was too good to be true." He tells me making me giggle slightly.

"Sorry babe but I promise as soon as it stops I'm all yours." I says trying to sound sexy but failing as we both laugh at my attempt.

"Don't be sorry. I'm just glad that I'm here, with you." He replies pulling me over to the bed as we lay down.

"Happy birthday babe." He says kissing my cheek as he wraps his arms around me, pulling the sheets up over us.

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