Chapter 13

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Alana's POV:

"No. Don't be silly, I really want to go out. It will be fun." I say grabbing his hands trying to convince him.

"But you're sick, I don't want you getting worse." Luke tells me.

"I'm honestly not feeling that sick anymore." I lie.

"You sure?" He asks me.

"Yes." I smile looking into his blue eyes trying to convince him.

"Ok then. Well let's get going." He tells me, grabbing hold of my hand guiding me out of the house and down the street towards the cafe.

We arrive at Max Brenner's and take a seat outside because the night air isn't all that cold. Luke goes in and orders us a fruit and chocolate fondue plater to share and two hot chocolates. He comes back out and takes a seat beside me as we wait for our food.

"You look pretty tonight." He tells me as he glances over at me.

"Thank you Lucas." I reply flattered and blushing a little.

"You're so cute when you blush." He admits.

"Oh stop it." I giggle.

We talk for a while about stuff ranging from Mum and Gary's marriage to me staying at his place again tonight. Finally our food comes out and the waitress places it on the table as we thank her. We eat it up almost instantly because it's so yum. The night air starts to hit and I start shaking slightly from the chill.

"We should get home before it gets any colder." Luke suggests.

"Sounds great." I reply standing up, glad to be going home because I'm still feeling a little sick.

Halfway home I feel Luke's arms wrap around me from behind as he places his chin on the crook of my neck.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"You're bleeding." He replies as I gasp, holding my hands over my mouth just wanting to cry.

I've never walked so fast home and Luke doesn't let go of me the whole time. We reach my front door and I try to open it.

"Great it's locked. What am I going to do now." I sigh just wanting to curl up in a ball and die.

"Mum might have some...umm...what ever you need at home?" Luke suggests.

I just nod and walk to his house. We open the front door and head straight towards his Mum's bathroom. He searches threw the cupboard while I stand there completely embarrassed.

"Do you use these?" He asks holding out a box of tampons as his face flushes red.

"Thank you." I reply awkwardly as I grab them off him.

"I'll let you umm..yeah...I'll leave a towel and some of my cloths at the bathroom door for you.

I close the door and immediately burst into tears. I walk over to the shower and turn it on as I throw my pants under the running water and my shirt to the side. I stand under the water completely embarrassed and crying, not wanting to face Luke again but I know I can't stay in here forever. I finally turn the water off and grab the towel and cloths Luke placed outside the bathroom door for me. I dry myself and get changed before wandering out into the lounge room to find Luke.

"I'm so sorry I ruined the night." I tell him still embarrassed and crying slightly as I walk up to him.

"You didn't ruin the night I promise. You've got no reason to be sorry." He replies standing up and embracing me in a massive hug as he kisses my forehead.

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