Chapter 3

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Alana's POV:

"Dinner time guys." Liz calls as we turn the movie off and walk into the kitchen, taking a seat next to each other at the table.

"This is so yummy." I say.

"Thank you darl, so why'd you move in with Gary?" She asks me.

"He's my mums boyfriend. They've been together for six months." I tell her.

"Ohh. How long have your parents been separated?" She questions.

"They were never really together." I admit.

"I'm sorry. So are you close with your Dad?" She asks.

"I actually don't even know who he is." I reply feeling a little awkward.

"I'm really sorry Alana." Liz says and I can tell she feels terrible.

"No, no, please don't be sorry." I tell her.

After we finish dinner I help clear the table before leaving.

"Thanks for coming over." Luke says walking me to the front door.

"No thank you, it was heaps of fun." I smile up at him.

"Hey, maybe we should walk to school together tomorrow morning?" Luke asks scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah sure." I smile back.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." He replies as I walk down the front steps.

"See you tomorrow." I smile before heading home.


I walk through the front door and into the lounge room.

"Hey, where's Mum?" I question Gary who's sitting on the lounge.

"She's asleep. Why are you so late?" Garry asks getting up out of his seat.

"Oh, Liz invited me to stay for dinner." I reply smiling.

"As in Liz Hemmings? The neighbour?" He asks slightly scaring me.

"Yeah." I stutter out nervously as he walks closer.

"I told you to be home by dinner." He tells me.

"Well your not my father." I reply.

"Don't give me cheek. You listen to what I tell you or I'll make you life hell." He says firmly, stepping closer to me.

"I'm not doing what you tell me. I barely know you." I say getting angry.

"Shut up you little whore." He says pushing my back slightly.

"I'm not a whore!" I yell.

Before I know it he swings his arm back and slaps me across the face. My eyes instantly tear up and I rush to my bedroom, making sure I lock the door. I cry in pain but I'm too scared to move or tell Mum.

I'm awoken by my alam. My eye and left cheek is throbbing as I walk over to my mirror to see my eye is black. I pack the makeup on it and get dressed into my uniform. I eat breakfast and finish getting ready before realising I'm suppose to be walking to school with Luke. I know he'd freak out if he saw my eye so I basically run to school not wanting him to see me.

School was slow and I managed to avoid Luke all day, thankfully I didn't have Maths. When the bell finally rings I pack up and start walking home.

"Alana!" I hear the familiar voice yell out from behind me but instead of turning around I walk faster.

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