Chapter 5

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Luke's POV:

I wake up around 3am to Alana tossing and turning while she's mumbling stuff, I ignore it for a while but she's becoming more agitated. I kind of figured she was having a bad dream so I thought I should wake her up.

"Alana. Wake up." I tell her, shaking her shoulder slightly.

"Let me go!" She screams still asleep.

"Alana! It's just me, settle down." I reply freaking out at how scared she is.

"Don't touch me!" She screams still asleep.

I give her one last big shake waking her up. She bolts upright in bed in a panic as she looking around the room before realising where she is.

"Sorry." She says looking over at me as she tucks her hair behind her ears.

"Don't be. What was it about?" I question.

"What?" She replies confused.

"Your nightmare." I say looking up into her deep blue, tear filled eyes.

"Oh. Nothing." She replies before rolling back over.

"Please tell me." I ask.

"No. It's was nothing." She snaps making me feel bad for asking.

"I'm sorry." I whisper but don't get a reply.

I hear quiet sobs escape her mouth a couple of times making my heart break. I honestly don't know why I feel so much need to protect her, I've never really clicked with someone so well. She means a lot to me yet I hardly know her.


Alana's POV:

I wake up and almost freak out as I feel two huge arms wrapped around my waist, I jump pulling them off me before realising who it actually is.

"I'm sorry, you just looked cold." Luke says in his husky morning voice.

"No it's alright and thank you, I was actually quite cold." I reply relaxing back on the bed and to my surprise Luke wraps his arms back around me.

"Don't you find this weird?" I ask.

"Only if you do." He replies.

I don't say anything back as I'm thinking if I actually find this weird or if I like it.

"So do you find it weird? Waking up with a strange boy you've known only for a couple of days." He asks letting out a raspy laugh as his breath hits my neck.

"Usually I'd say yes but it kind of feels almost normal." I giggle.

"Almost normal? Well that's good enough for me." He replies snuggling in tighter.

I hadn't realised I've drifted back off to sleep until I hear faint noises as I wake up again. I can hear footsteps inside and they're getting louder and faster, at that moment Luke's bedroom door flies open and I keep my eyes shut pretending to be asleep.

"Luke you sly dog, you never told us you had a girlfriend?" A boys voice yells making Luke and myself jump.

"Well look at these two cuties!" Another boy says.

My eyes open as I stare at three other guys around Luke's age, maybe a little older before I look back to Luke confused.

"These three idiots are Ashton, Michael and Calum, I'm in a band with them." Luke tells me.

"You're in a band?" I ask having no clue what else to say and feeling slightly awkward.

"The real question is why didn't you tell us you had a girlfriend?" The curly haired guy named Ashton says.

"Because I don't have one." Luke replies sleepily rubbing his eyes.

"Well whys there a girl in your bed and in your cloths." Calum asks.

"It's a long story." I admit not wanting to explain.

"I like long stories." Michael asks intrigued.

"Trust me, you won't like this one." I reply still half asleep.

"Let's tell them over breakfast." Luke suggests which makes me seem uneasy as I'd be once again opening up to complete strangers.

The boys leave the room allowing us to wake up slowly. I roll over to face Luke who's already looking over at me with his chin propped up by his arm.

"I'm not telling them." I say firmly.

"It's alright I can." He suggests.

"No Luke, I don't want them to know." I reply.

"Don't worry, they're my friends you can trusts them." He says trying to convince me.

"They may be your friends but I only just met them. Please don't say anything." I beg.

"Ok, I won't say a thing but we have to tell your Mum after because Gary's at work today." He replies.

"Fine." I sigh, rolling out of bed as Luke follows.

I walk into the kitchen to the smell of something burning as smoke fills the air.

"What the hell is going on in here?" I cough.

"We burned the bacon and the toast." Calum pouts.

"We aren't very good cooks." Michael says pouting also.

"Yeah I can tell but that's alright, lucky for you guys I can cook." I smile walking past the boys turning off the stove top as I re-start breakfast.

"This is delicious!" Ashton says.

"Yeah, I agree. You've got a keeper Luke, she's hot and she can cook." Michael says making Luke slap him on the back of the head.

"She's not my girlfriend." Luke says looking down at his food.

"That's not what your cheeks are saying." Calum says pointing out Luke's rosy cheeks.

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