1. Memory

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something remembered in the past; a recollection

Tyler opened up his closet and looked through it; trying to find what clothes he could wear for the day.

It was his first day of high school and he was very nervous. He'd never experienced school in a whole new way, and he had no idea what to expect.

After putting on his clothes, Tyler walked out of his room. He turned his head and saw his adoptive mother, Jenna, sitting by the window knitting.

She turned her head to him; smiling when she saw him.

"Good morning Ty-"

Jenna pricked her finger with the needle. She winced as it hit her.

Tyler ran over to her side.

"Jenna, are you okay?"

"Yes Tyler." She said. "Just grab me a tissue and I'll be fine."

The boy did as she told her. He ran over to the bathroom and got a piece of tissues. While he was out, Jenna stared at her finger.

The sight of her blood caught a glimpse of a memory, it was something she'd remembered ever since she came into Tyler's life.

As Tyler came back into the room, he noticed Jenna was still clutching at her finger. He wrapped the tissue around it in hopes of stopping the bleeding.

"I hope you're not seriously hurt." He told her.

"You're a good boy Tyler. You're mother would be very proud of you."

Jenna looked out the window.

"I remember when you were born." She said. "You're mother was so happy. But, she was sad."

"Why was she sad?" Tyler asked.

Jenna sniffed.

"Because she knew her life was coming to an end."

She looked back at the window.

"You're mother looked at me, with tears rolling down her eyes. She begged me to adopt you and take care of you. So I did."

Tyler turned away; trying to hide his emotions. Though Jenna knew how sad he was; missing his mother.

"You're mother loved you Tyler, and I loved you just as much."

Tyler threw his arms around Jenna.

"I love you Jenna. I'm so glad you're in my life. I may not remember my mother, but I know she loved me like you do."

Jenna smiled.

"Of course little one. And I'll always love you."

She kissed the boy on the forehead; leaving a drop of blood which stuck from her finger.

"My blood." She said.

"It's okay." Tyler said. "I'll wash it off later."

Jenna smiled; going back to her knitting.

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