24. Cessation

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the fact or process of ending or being brought to an end

Debby sat in her room, staring at her mirror, seeing how red she's turned. The hatred for Tyler grew in her little by little. It made her rot inside.

She couldn't wait any longer, she needed to find a new plan to kill Tyler and take back what is hers. But the only to do it was to sneak into the school and get into the janitor's closet.

Once her parents went to sleep, she quietly snuck out of the house and stole their car to take to the school.

While driving down the road, she saw Brendon's house on her right, but what she saw made her red even more.

She saw Josh and Tyler through the window kissing and loving on each other.

Filled with rage, Debby got out of the car and ran into the back gate; jumping on the other side to get over it.

When she did, all she saw was pitch black, but could start seeing everything around her once her eyes turned red, then everything she could see looked like crimson blood.

She looked around the yard to see what she could find or steal, or maybe something she could use in her next plan to kill Tyler.

And that's when she found the apple tree.

Debby walked up to the tree; eyeing every apple she could see, but the one on her nearest branch caught her eye.

The apple was rosy and red like blood. It was extremely beautiful and it reminded her of Tyler's lips. She knew this was the perfect weapon to kill him.

She picked the apple from the tree and ran away from the yard back into the car and drove away as quickly as she could.

A few minutes later, she arrived at the school. All the lights were off except for the hallway, which made it easier for her to find the janitor's closet.

Once she entered, she locked all the doors to the school so that nobody would try to escape. She shut off all the lights and walked into the janitor's closet.

She locked herself in and made sure everything was working properly, and it did. Debby was very pleased.

"Now, let's begin."

Debby took a few bottles and pored them into a boiler filled with hot water. She stirred them together; creating a dark colored toxin. When she sniffed it, she gagged.


She took a clip and dipped the apple into the boiler, making the entire apple poisoned.

"Dear little Tyler, tomorrow will be your last day of living. When you bite into this rosy red apple, I will once again be the loveliest of all."

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