18. Factual

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concerned with what is actually the case rather than interpretations of or reactions to it

The next day, Tyler stood by his locker with his friends; talking about the ball from last night.

"You looked so stunning." Sarah sad. "I barely recognized you."

"My stepmother helped me out with it." Tyler said. "And I'm surprised it worked."

"You rocked the ball Tyler." Mark added. "You and Josh looked exquisitely amazing!"

Tyler smiled and looked away.


"Speaking of last night, why did you leave so early?" Brendon asked.

"Yeah, you ran off right when midnight hit."

"Sorry guys." Tyler said. "I got a little frightened, but it wasn't Josh, it was Debby."

"Why did she frighten you?" Sarah asked.

"She claimed that I stole Josh from him. I don't know she'd make an accusation like that."

"She's crazy." Brendon said. "She's always about herself, especially with that mirror she carries around."

"Don't worry about what Debby thinks, continue your relationship with Josh and everything will turn out great."

Tyler smiled.

"Okay guys, I will."

Debby stood by a nearby corner; eavesdropping on the conversation between Tyler and his friends. She wasn't pleased with what they were telling him.

"How dare they ruin my plan!" She cried. "Tyler shouldn't go back to Josh, even after I threatened him."

Suddenly, Josh walked past her and made his way towards Tyler. Debby went back to watching.

"Tyler, can I talk to you privately?" He asked.

Tyler smiled.

"Of course."

They walked over to another hallway not as far from the one they were in earlier.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" He asked.

Before he could tell him, he pulled Tyler into his arms.

"Josh, what's wrong?"

"I'm so glad you're here with me." He said. "I was so worried about you. I thought you never wanted to talk to me again."

"No Josh, I'm not mad at you, it's just that..."

"What is it?"

Tyler looked down.

"It's just that, Debby frightened me last night."

"What did she do?"

"She told me I was stealing you away from her and that I should stay away from you."

Josh pulled Tyler into another hug.

"Dear, it's okay. You don't have to worry about her. I'm already done with her. She's been trouble to me from the start, and I'm never going to take her back."



Tyler smiled.

"I don't think I'm afraid of her anymore."

Josh giggled.


He took off his backpack and started looking through it.

"I have something for you, but I wanna make sure it's the right size."

Josh took out a shoe from one of the pockets. When Tyler saw it, he immediately knew that it was the discarded dress shoe he left behind at the ball last night.

Delighted, Tyler took out the other shoe.

"I have the other one too!"

Josh smiled.

"Let me put it on you."

He slipped the shoe onto Tyler foot, and it fit perfectly.

Tyler and Josh embraced each other.

"This is the happiest moment of my life!"

"Mine too."

Tyler and Josh kissed each other; fully pledging their love for one another.

Debby hid and watched the whole moment unfold before her eyes. She took out her mirror and asked it once again.

"Dear sweet mirror, answer my call, who's the loveliest of all?"

Words popped up on the mirror.

Tyler Joseph is the loveliest of all.

Once she saw the truth, every ounce of anger and fear rushed through her veins.

"This cannot be!" She cried. "Josh gave his love to a stupid kid!"

She started walking through the hallways; throwing random things into walls and pushing people out of her way.

"I cannot stand someone being more lovelier than me!" She cried. "I will make sure Tyler's life is ruined for good, then I'll once again be the loveliest of all, and Josh will be mine forever!"

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