10. Aspire

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direct one's hopes or ambitions towards achieving something

The next day, Tyler walked through the halls a lot differently than how he did yesterday. To everyone, he seemed like a completely changed person. Even his friends noticed it.

"What the hell is he doing?" Brendon asked.

"Yeah." Sarah added. "It's almost like, he changed."

"He never acted like that before."

Tyler walked past Debby. She was utterly shocked as well. She ran over to Josh's arms.

"Babe! Did you see him?!"

"See what?" Josh asked.

"The freshman boy! I think his name is Tyler."

Josh looked over and saw him walked over to his friends. He was flabbergasted at his looks. It made him very attractive. Debby took notice and pulled out her mirror.

"Dear sweet mirror, answer my call, who's the loveliest girl of all-"

"Debby I don't want to!" Josh shouted.

He walked off; leaving her alone in the halls. Debby was shocked.

"How dare he! Wait.."

She looked back into her mirror.

"Am I not the loveliest girl of all?"

Meanwhile, Tyler talked with his friends.

"Tyler, as much as I hate to say this, but you don't look yourself." Brendon said.

"Well, is that okay?"

"Sure. Just saying though."

"I've also taken notice that people are staring at you." Sarah said. "I don't what you're trying to accomplish, but your looks have made people want to know you."

"Well Sarah, they'll have just have to wait."

"What? W-What do you mean?"

"I already have someone in mind."

"It's not Josh, is it?" Mark asked.

"We already told you the truth Tyler." Brendon added. "You're way too young for him."

"Stay with your own age-"

Tyler turned his back and walked away. His friends were left speechless.

"What's his deal?" Brendon asked.

"Yeah." Sarah added. "We were only trying to help."

"Honestly guys, I think we should let him go." Mark said. "We tried, but he wants to be himself. We shouldn't control him."

"Yeah, you're right, but I still don't know."

"What do you mean Sarah?"

"Josh probably wouldn't fall for him. He's still dating Debby."

Mark sighed.

"We'll just have to wait and see."

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